How messed up is the US Law actually? VERY!!!!

Jan 17, 2004
What the f???

The past few days i read a few articles and watched some videos, and sigh...the USA just never ceazes to amaze me, but not in a good way though.

First watch this...cause i wholeheartedly agree with him.


File this one under Seriously, WTF, Don't Prosecutors Have Real Criminals to Go After? Cheecho Mertsaris, a NYC lawyer, is accused of sexual abuse, although he can't control his arms, legs, or hands. He has cerebral palsy because his brain was damaged during his delivery at birth arms tend to flail around uncontrollably when he becomes nervous. Now an actual judge is accusing Cheecho of touching her thigh. But what's even more absurd? The case is actually about to go to trial!

Check the above link for a video of the guy who is accused...are they serious???!!!! oh my....
The second one

Did you hear about the woman getting a life sentance for persuading a 13 year old boy to feel her breasts...

She could've have murdered him and got off lighter. Life in prison for getting your breast felt!

Michelle Lyn Taylor admits to being a drunk, a convicted thief and mildly promiscuous with a strong predilection for older black men in her testimony during her November trial but strongly denied coming on to a 13 year old Latino boy for which she was sentenced last month to life in prison.


Michelle Lyn Taylor received life sentence for forcing a boy to touch her breasts last week in Elko. Two years earlier in a plea bargain Ace Green spent 10 months in the Elko County Jail for sexually abusing two young boys over the course of at least a year. both sentencing hearing are available on


I dont know what to say anymore.....
3rd Grader Gets Detention For Eating Candy

by Gabe Gutierrez / 11 News
Posted on May 6, 2010 at 10:04 PM
Updated Saturday, May 8 at 12:43 PM

ORCHARD, Texas – A third-grader at Brazos Elementary was given a week’s detention for possessing a Jolly Rancher.

School officials in Brazos County are defending the seemingly harsh sentence. The school’s principal and superintendent said they were simply complying with a state law that limits junk food in schools.

But the girl’s parents say it’s a huge overreaction.

“I think it’s stupid to give a kid a week’s worth of detention for a piece of candy,” said Amber Brazda, the girl’s mother. "The whole thing was just ridiculous to me."

Leighann Adair, 10, was eating lunch Monday when a teacher confiscated the candy. Her parents said she was in tears when she arrived home later that afternoon and handed them the detention notice.

According to the disciplinary referral, she would be separated from other students during lunch and recess through Friday.

Jack Ellis, the superintendent for Brazos Independent School District, declined an on-camera interview. But he said the school was abiding by a state guideline that banned “minimal nutrition” foods.

“Whether or not I agree with the guidelines, we have to follow the rules,” he said.

The state, however, gives each school discretion over how to enforce the policy. Ellis said school officials had decided a stricter punishment was necessary after lesser penalties failed to serve as a deterrent.

Ellis said failing to adhere to the state’s guidelines could put federal funding in jeopardy.

According to the Texas Department of Agriculture’s website, “The Texas Public School Nutrition Policy (TPSNP) explicitly states that it does not restrict what foods or beverages parents may provide for their own children's consumption.”

Brazos Elementary Principal Jeanne Young, said the problem, in this instance, was that the candy was provided by another student – not the girl’s parents.

The girl’s mother said the incident has taught her daughter a lesson, but not the one her teachers intended.

“I told her, ‘Leighann, unfortunately you’re learning very young that life’s not fair,'” Brazda said.


If you've seen the average lunch that the schools serve, the candy is probably healthier. It also doesn't make any sense because schools here in the US have soda and snack machines.
I so totally agree with you Staffordshire Bullterrier. Especially since I live in the United States. And the laws and the rules here in this country are just so beyond ridiculous at times. Especially about that crazy candy rule. I feel bad about that girl that got a week's detention just for having a piece of candy. When I was in school this is going back to the 80s and 90s we never had such rules as that. All of the kids in my high school at the time always some kind of junk food on them. Mainly because we had several junkfood vending machines in the school. There were a few teachers in my high school where they didn't like their students chewing gum. But they never gave the kid a weeks detention because of it. They just simply ask the kid to throw the gum away. It is like what Jane Velez Mitchell said on her news tv show Issues has said. The system in this country is broken.

And I even remember watching this program on the HIStory International Channel about England's haunted places. And the one story was about the House of Detention in London. That there was a child that was hanged just for stealing a loaf of bread. And this was back in the 1800s when this happen. I couldn't believe that when I heard that. I thought that was really insane thing to do to that poor child. Just for stealing some bread.
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Woah... bit extreme... i suppose it would put you off stealing!
yeah well at least you wont do it again lol its cause of islamic law hence the extreamness of it

Going to Dubai? Better Know the LAWS.
by Mary VanMeer
Filed Under Middle East, Safe Travel
IMPORTANT: If you break the law of a country you are visiting, your embassy will probably not be able to help you. So know the laws and customs before you go.
By now you might be aware that a British couple in their 30s were sentenced to three months in jail and deportation because of their “public display of affection” on the beach following a champagne brunch. Well, actually the charges were drunkenness and public indecency and sex outside of marriage. The couple claims there was no sex, just kissing.
Recently, a lesbian couple was sentenced to a month in jail, followed by deportation, for sharing a kiss on the public beach in Dubai.
Three years ago, an unmarried Indian couple was sentenced to one year in prison just for hugging and kissing in the back seat of a taxi in the Emirate of Fujairah which is north of the UAE. When the taxi driver saw what they were doing, he drove them directly to the police station!

If you’re planning a trip to Dubai, remember that it is part of the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The operative word here is “Arab.” It might be a popular destination right now, and very glamorous (and expensive), but it is a Muslim country and their laws are very conservative.
Just because you’re a tourist who is bringing money into the region, never lose sight of the fact that this is NOT an amusement park or a paid attraction. You are visiting another country with another culture, and you’d better learn their laws before you go there. (This applies to ALL international travel.)
Here are some of the laws.
Public displays of affection, including holding hands and kissing, are socially unacceptable and can lead to an arrest.

Do not take pictures of the locals, especially women, without permission. And notice that many government buildings don’t allow photographs. They take this very seriously.

ohh god if i take a picture!!! i go to jail!
ill stick to American laws.
people can talk crap on the U.S. all day one is perfect..we have our issues..what country doesn't? but where are the topics on other countries laws...whom are far worse or how women get treated. let alone what country was it??.. where someone got hanged for being accused of being gay. hanged in todays world??? god it makes this gay marrige law in the states seem innocent..and at least here we have the freedom to try to make change. not going to sit around and insult a country that atleast gives us the things we take for granted everyday...the things that should be FREE..for the hell of it.
I agree, the US laws are so corrupted. Califorina I find, their state laws are far more corrupted. That's way I don't believe in laws, they ruin everything.
Re: 3rd Grader Gets Detention For Eating Candy

by Gabe Gutierrez / 11 News
Posted on May 6, 2010 at 10:04 PM
Updated Saturday, May 8 at 12:43 PM

ORCHARD, Texas – A third-grader at Brazos Elementary was given a week’s detention for possessing a Jolly Rancher.

School officials in Brazos County are defending the seemingly harsh sentence. The school’s principal and superintendent said they were simply complying with a state law that limits junk food in schools.

But the girl’s parents say it’s a huge overreaction.

“I think it’s stupid to give a kid a week’s worth of detention for a piece of candy,” said Amber Brazda, the girl’s mother. "The whole thing was just ridiculous to me."

Leighann Adair, 10, was eating lunch Monday when a teacher confiscated the candy. Her parents said she was in tears when she arrived home later that afternoon and handed them the detention notice.

According to the disciplinary referral, she would be separated from other students during lunch and recess through Friday.

Jack Ellis, the superintendent for Brazos Independent School District, declined an on-camera interview. But he said the school was abiding by a state guideline that banned “minimal nutrition” foods.

“Whether or not I agree with the guidelines, we have to follow the rules,” he said.

The state, however, gives each school discretion over how to enforce the policy. Ellis said school officials had decided a stricter punishment was necessary after lesser penalties failed to serve as a deterrent.

Ellis said failing to adhere to the state’s guidelines could put federal funding in jeopardy.

According to the Texas Department of Agriculture’s website, “The Texas Public School Nutrition Policy (TPSNP) explicitly states that it does not restrict what foods or beverages parents may provide for their own children's consumption.”

Brazos Elementary Principal Jeanne Young, said the problem, in this instance, was that the candy was provided by another student – not the girl’s parents.

The girl’s mother said the incident has taught her daughter a lesson, but not the one her teachers intended.

“I told her, ‘Leighann, unfortunately you’re learning very young that life’s not fair,'” Brazda said.


If you've seen the average lunch that the schools serve, the candy is probably healthier. It also doesn't make any sense because schools here in the US have soda and snack machines.

Now this is just stupid....the child was at the lunch table..not in a classroom....or had she been a repeat offender of eating in classrooms and getting in trouble for it. That is one stupid law...its things like this that make our children rebellious against authority. IMO
Speaking of the junk food my daughter high school...most of the students DO eat in depends on the teachers rule. What gets me is the teachers who say.."no eating in my class"....but...that same teacher will sit there and and drink soda and eat a sandwich in front of students they just told..No eating. The rules are all messed up...But I teach them to follow the rules anyway..because as we see it is the innocent ones who get in trouble
children are supposed to eat candy. healthy eating isn't what you think it is. endorphine release is important. especially in children. what did they do, tell Michael that he shouldn't have had that free candy for children at Neverland? Michael was the picture of health when he was handing out candy to those kids. the usa is trying to destroy our children.
I know that chewing gum is illegal in Singapore. It's not sold there, and if you're caught with it, it's a jail sentence, or at the least a caning.
And there are also the state laws that are messed up as well. Mainly the real stupid ones like the ones that my state has. Like:

No singing in the shower or bathtub

A special cleaning ordinance bans housewives from hiding dirt and dust under a rug in a dwelling.

It is illegal to sleep on top of a refrigerator outdoors

You may not catch a fish with your hands

You may not catch a fish by any body part except the mouth

Dynamite is not to be used to catch fish

Fireworks stores may not sell fireworks to Pennsylvania residents

Along with other stupid laws like that. My country just has too many laws mainly all of the real stupid ones.
What the f???


Michelle Lyn Taylor received life sentence for forcing a boy to touch her breasts last week in Elko. Two years earlier in a plea bargain Ace Green spent 10 months in the Elko County Jail for sexually abusing two young boys over the course of at least a year. both sentencing hearing are available on


I dont know what to say anymore.....

Michelle got a LIFE sentencing for allowing a boy to touch her breats?:doh::bugeyed That's ridiculous that she got life for that. (which is actually 30 years) is an example of how riduculous her sentencing was. Susan Smith, murderer of her children, Alex and Michael, 1 and 3, got a life sentencing. Michelle let a boy touch her breasts and got life. :doh:
Thank goodness for that or else the jails would be full of bears. :tease:
How exactly can someone catch fish with dynamite?

You know I still can't figure that dynamite one out. Then again I live in my state all my life and I still can't figure out my state's dumb laws. Here is a site full of states and international laws:

Michelle got a LIFE sentencing for allowing a boy to touch her breats?:doh::bugeyed That's ridiculous that she got life for that. (which is actually 30 years) is an example of how riduculous her sentencing was. Susan Smith, murderer of her children, Alex and Michael, 1 and 3, got a life sentencing. Michelle let a boy touch her breasts and got life. :doh:

Now that is seriously messed up.

How exactly can someone catch fish with dynamite?

I guess they mean if you rigged a lake with dynamite, and then collected the fish that were blown out of the water...except that they'd most likely be in pieces. :mello: