How many times are you going to TII movie?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
How many of you are going to see TII in the theater more than one time?

I'm going 5 times! I had a feeling it would sell out and I would kick myself for not going more than once to see it on the big screen because of the sound and everything. :popcorn:
I only bought tickets for the first show and then will see how good it is if I want to see it more. It isnt selling good here at all so I am not worried about tickets
well I bought tickets for 2 separate shows.....I have the NEED to see what Michael's visions was....I am hoping it will help with the healing process......Who know maybe I will go once and not use the other set of tickets....I will have to wait and see how I feel after the first time.
I have tickets for the 28th and if I can manage seeing it again, I will buy tickets after that for a later showing. Hopefully I'll be able to find somewhere in NYC where it's not sold out then....
Once so far. Am thinking about going to the midnight showing though.
Twice! First time w/ my sister second with a classmate/friend of mine.
I will probably never have the opportunity to see MJ at the movie theaters so given that I will go at least 2-3 times.
I wanna see it first on my own. I don't want to have the distraction of a friend making comments during the film. I wanna go a second time and bring my little sis because shes dying to see it too. Basically, I wanna go as much as possible while its in the cinema
Opening night the 28th and saturday the 31st.
I'm only going once at the minute but I rung earlier and they have tonnes of tickets left so I'll probably go and buy a couple more tomorrow so I can go on my own.
seven times so far. I wanted to see it alone on the first night but it is the Premiere and I have 2 tickets so i have to take someone with me. I will not talk to them though.
We've got ticks for 4 times so far. It could end up being more, though, who knows.
more than once, that's for sure! if there's enough footage of the way you make me feel rehearsal! I'll watch it everyday!! ahaha
For now I'm going 4 times,
that is on same day...:wub:

Working on getting more ticket's today for different day ;) :)

:wub: :boohoo: :praying:
i have to see how i handle sitting thru this once in public before i decide to go see it again :cry:
At least 2 times for me. If possible, I'd like to see it as many times until they pull it out the theaters. :)
I suspect I'm going to be very distressed (yet also excited) by what I'm seeing so at the moment, I'm only going twice. First time on the 28th and then again with the same friend on her birthday on Nov 4th on a bigger screen. I think I'll probably go a few more times though...perhaps alone, perhaps IMAX. I just don't want the MJ cinematic experience to end... :(
Only once.

I want to save some excitement for when the DVD comes out....