How Many Songs Has MJ Made/written?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
When you come to think about it, how many songs has MJ made or written over the years?

I heard that he writes hundreds of songs for each album, then only records a few that he likes or soemthing like that.

But does anyone know the full extent of the number of songs he has made.

I guess its hard to tell the number he has written because for all we know he could have written thousands that we never heard of.
dont think anyone knows the exact number but i wouldnt be surprised if it was almost a thousand
The only ones that would have a paper trail to define them as his would be ones that have been copyrighted. Best I could even think would be to get the book For The Record it lists the songs that are completed that doesn't mean there are hundreds more that are laying around though - there's a question for Michael :lol:
^good one i must say

well...about 1,546,038,239,291

but that's just my guess lol
2 to 3 thousand probably.

Completed writing...1 thousand-ish.
He wakes up every day with a different tune in his head. :timer:
oh all 2gether from back then 2now? ch,i wont even try and guess lol
Correct me if im wrong didnt he say in the 1993 mexico deposition that he had written 50 songs?

So its probably between 100-200 now
We don't know how many songs Michael has actually wriiten or recorded. There are so many songs that Michael writes and and sometimes records but doesn't register or sometimes he registers them much later than when he wrote them. So there's probably a ton of songs he has written or recorded that we don't even know about.
i don't know where you guys got the 500-800 songs per album from that's nucking futs. i've heard that he has done about 100 for each album.
He wakes up every day with a different tune in his head.

You r right!

I think maybe he even doesn't know how many songs he've written!
I got to know that he wrote about more than 500 songs for each album...! hmmm!
I've never heard that 500 songs were recorded for Invincible. The 150 songs figure for Invincible alone has been floated around a lot.
I rememer Quincy Jones saying that they had about 800 songs written for Thriller. I'm not sure how many of the 800 Michael wrote himself though
i always wondered how many he might have written.. but 800 just for one album seems a bit impossible lol
I wouldn't be surprised if Michael has written 100's of songs. In all honesty he probably doesn't even remember all the songs he has written.
The only ones that would have a paper trail to define them as his would be ones that have been copyrighted. Best I could even think would be to get the book For The Record it lists the songs that are completed that doesn't mean there are hundreds more that are laying around though - there's a question for Michael :lol:

Absolutely, That is a question for Michael, it makes me think why dont journalist ask him decent questions like this, intead of the crap they normaly ask him!!!!!

Makes me laugh.
Some songs that Michael has written we only know about because Michael mentioned some of them in a deposition he did in Mexico 1993. You wouldn't believe that Michael started writing Little Susie in the late 1970s.
hmmmmm, we may never know :)

But him personally writing 800 for thriller? That's alot of songs,lol. Maybe he's speaking of other people's songs written for MJ too
Not even Mike himselfs know I think.