How many planets do you need to support your lifestyle?

I've done the footprint test many times, now I got 4.9 *very ashamed*

But English is not my mother language so I might get different result if it was in Finnish!
Your consumption is 6.6 global hectares.

Or current consumption requires an area of 8.1 Canadian Football fields.

Individually it's probably less than that but I live with 4 other people and of of them is a kid.

Plus some of the questions like how often do you drive the least answer you can give is 1% of the time but what if you don't drive?
Fascinating... I am good in mobility, shelter and goods, living in a city... but bad on food and services. I have been thinking about cutting down on my consumption of animal products and this is helping me move toward that decision!

Thanks for this link.
I chose USA because my country isn't even available. Anyway it says I need 5-7 planets? That's impossible I'm living in a freaking uni dorm
^ yeah I had to choose USA too so I could get in in English.
4.6. Probably mostly because there is no public transportation where I live :(
I chose Calgary since I live in Québec Canada.. altough Calgary is far from Qc...

it says 6,9 canadian football fields
5,6 global hectares

I'm good at moving (usually walk, sometimes bus)
but I,m not good at services and food (almost never cook myself, always buy at restaurant or pre-cooked diners)

where does it say the number of planet?? I don't see that...
Tell us how you really feel. lol. Though I sort of agree. It's just a site and not official or anything, but it was a interesting way to spend 5 minutes.