How many people have you invited/convince to watch the movie ?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I wonder, how many friends and family have you invited to watch this movie? While i appreciate some watching this movie over and over again, i think the movie will make more money if we all invite friends who may not be fan of MJ to watch the movie. Who knows the may like MJ afterwards. I'm afraid the estate won't make much if the movie doesn't gross more than 135 million. Because that's only when the the reported 90% to 10% ratio is applied. So far have have got 10 people to watch the movie what about you guys. I mean people who happen not to be Mj fans necessarily?
I went with my sister and brother yesterday. My sister isn't really an MJ fan, but she loved it. We are hopefully going again on Tuesday. :happy:
I went wednesday with my sister, she isnt a fan though but she loved it too. And a friend Im going with this week.
The first time i went with my brother and two friends. The second time with my friends wife. They are all fans!! On Tuesday i'm going with another friend of mine... She's not a fan but she likes his music!!
going to drag my family kicking and screaming :lmao:

i have struck up a conversation with so many people promoting this film... I should be on Sony's payroll.

Yesterday ... I had to pull out this statement.... "well, if you go see the film in theater the Kids gets 90%, but if you get it on dvd (which the lady was going to do).... the kids will only get 50%."" You should really see it on big screen and surround sound. "

Obviously... I was convincing.. she said she will catch it in the theater.
last fri i met up with 3 other fans 1 mcr, 2 liverpool, it was nice meeting new fans and the film was gr8 especially the thriller 3D part what would have been if they had applied it ontop of the film...

My only concern was when MJ was rehearsing - and he didnt want to hold one note, and he said he wanted to save his voice but they insisted he did guessing for sound level?? that seemed a bit pushy - that aside it was gr8..

oh and at the end.... Thanks to the fan who posted wait till the VERY END for xtra bit - alot of people left when the credits ran but we stayed and so glad we did :) :)

heartbreaking to think that was the LAST EVER time MJ would perform :(
going to drag my family kicking and screaming :lmao:

i have struck up a conversation with so many people promoting this film... I should be on Sony's payroll.

Yesterday ... I had to pull out this statement.... "well, if you go see the film in theater the Kids gets 90%, but if you get it on dvd (which the lady was going to do).... the kids will only get 50%."" You should really see it on big screen and surround sound. "

Obviously... I was convincing.. she said she will catch it in the theater.

Not even 50% if you buy the DVD. According to the deal the estate gets 1/3 (33%) if you buy the DVD. This mean watching it in the cinema will benefit the estate more. That's why i don't get those claiming/complaining that sony will be benefiting. This movie is amust see especially in the cinema.

I think an effective way is for every to recommend it to their facebook friends.
I think I have got more than 20 people in the cinema to see it.
Not even 50% if you buy the DVD. According to the deal the estate gets 1/3 (33%) if you buy the DVD. This mean watching it in the cinema will benefit the estate more. That's why i don't get those claiming/complaining that sony will be benefiting. This movie is amust see especially in the cinema.

I think an effective way is for every to recommend it to their facebook friends.

1/3 ??? :no:

I have used so many different reasoning to convince people. But you know .... a lot of people are going to the theaters just out of curiosity and come out LOVING IT... then they will recommend it to people.

so what's the break down if you buy DVD??
I think I have got more than 20 people in the cinema to see it.

wow, that's really good. I think, i need to up my game now. Were some of them non Mj fans or were they all fans already?
1/3 ??? :no:

I have used so many different reasoning to convince people. But you know .... a lot of people are going to the theaters just out of curiosity and come out LOVING IT... then they will recommend it to people.

so what's the break down if you buy DVD??

Equal split between all three parties (Estate, Sony and AEG) if you buy the DVD. They estate gets only 33%. I will buy the DVD when it comes out as well.
1/3 ??? :no:

I have used so many different reasoning to convince people. But you know .... a lot of people are going to the theaters just out of curiosity and come out LOVING IT... then they will recommend it to people.

so what's the break down if you buy DVD??

Equal split between all three parties (Estate, Sony and AEG) if you buy the DVD. They estate gets only 33%. I will buy the DVD when it comes out as well. Do you have facebook/myspace? and if you do tell your friends to watch it. If the Movie doesn't gross more than 135M, nothing for the estate.
I'm going for the first time today.
I will be taking three family members with me.
I plan to go at least one more time, and will take two additional family members with me on that viewing.:cheers:
I have convinced 10 people....but they were all fans or casual fans. Among the 10, 5 have seen it already and the other 5 are going this week.

those who have seen the movie called to thank me for recommending it.
Took my sister and my 11 year old nephew to the midnight prescreening. Then 2 days later went with my aunt and a friend of mine. Then i told my co workers how amazing the movie was, 4 of my coworkers went and they brought their friends too along. Then i went again another friend. hmm i cant even count no more. But i am proud though :)