How many people do you think will watch?

well i think it will be everyone that was gonna see the tour(which was alot) and more!
3 billion - most watched event in history for sure!
I don't know how many Australians will be waking up at 3 in the morning to watch this, but nothing surprises me anymore.
I think a lot of ppl. cuz its gonna be covered EVERYWHERE. and ppl. who like CNN, or other channels will have to watch it. This is a thing thats gonna be happening only ones and like AL Sharpton said, It should be A day of Celebrating Michael Jackson's Legacy. Michael's up there with Pricess Diana and James Brown and JFK looking down and saying how he loved all people of the world and how he forgives them. He'll see how he Brought the world together Again. He is the connection tat we ALL have. We conect through him!

God Bless!

~RIP My Angel~
I have seen them estimate 3 billion. With the internet, it will definitely surpass Princess Di's funeral ... and everything else. I just wish 3 billion people had watched him more when he was still with us (NOT for the negative stuff, but for all the joy and love he brought to this world).