how many of you


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
have got mates who use to laugh at you for liking the King of Pop
and all of a sudden are huge fans of the man
and defend him

id say i have about 6.
have got mates who use to laugh at you for liking the King of Pop
and all of a sudden are huge fans of the man
and defend him

id say i have about 6.

yeaah, my best mate lol

i had to really hold myself back from laughing after all this time him taking this piss out of me for liking Michael. i did like hearing him say it though lol
yep i get that alot now, when every i used to wear mj t-shirt or play his tracks people at work or some of my mates would make silly comments but now there the ones who put on the music or sing alot to his tracks __ Love it just a shame it took his death for it to come out :sad:
lol same here, its funny at the fact the haters ahve now become lovers
and relise hes the best thing since sliced bread.

i say blaime it on the boogie :) x
Mostly all my mates knock me for liking Michael and unfortunatly since he's death the hatred towards him has increased.

I guess it's there small brain capacitys
threres some horrable people in the owrld
my facbook was full with horrable things about him within 5 mintues
of the news that he was dead.
threres some horrable people in the owrld
my facbook was full with horrable things about him within 5 mintues
of the news that he was dead.

Mine was exactly the same unfortunatly but it's there loss for not getting to experience what Michael was all about and the love he had to share.
A lot. Some don't wanna show it but I can clearly see it. Other than that, one of my teachers, we went with the whole school to an amusement park and he was wearing a Thriller tshirt and asked me how many songs I have I told him I didnt have all of them on my ipod etc, and said to me I was a wannabe fan =/. I was like, uhm yeah.

Than I called him a wannabe fan the rest of the day because he would talk about ''do you have his demo's?'' and ''oke ill bring it to you so you can see it'' stuff like that. It really pissed me off.

While the day after he died I didnt come to school and my engelish teacher told me that some classmates of mine that I must feel terrible now and my teacher told me he was great and stuff. That made my day after the first story up there^.
they do my head in i mean we have all obv been fans for years
they come along and think they no th ins and outs of him
and are evening defending me in my
eyes thats not a true fan
My friend who was a hater, is still a hater.

My other friends are sympathetic but I don't think they are 'fans' now.