How long have you known him?

*Little Suzie*

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
For around 2 minutes ago I asked myself: "How long have I known Michael?"
And the answer was kinda scary for me, .. Have I really know him for so long time? :O
I'm 15 and I was raised by his music.
Damn I never thinked about that.. that I really have known him in many many years.. wooow..
i have known or become a fan of michael
since 1985 pepsi adds on tv i was 7 years young
im only 32 years young
2009 after michael died michael start talking to me from heaven
i think michael knows who his fans are and the person that hurt him
Unlike others, I wasn't raised on his music. In fact, I wasn't raised on any music at all, and I owe none of my interests or talents to my parents, who didn't care enough about me to instill anything of significant value.

I "discovered" Michael's music when I was about 11 (I don't even remember exactly, most of my childhood memories are fragmented and hazy, probably for a good reason.) All I remember is that "Bad" was my favourite music video back then, and "Beat It" was among my favourite songs. I've grown to appreciate some of his other material as time has gone by, but that was the beginning. So, you could say, I've technically known him for 7 years, but didn't pay him the amount of attention I do now until recent years. IDK. I never was celebrity-obsessed, and he remains the only celebrity I give a damn about. -shrugs-

In a way, it feels as though I've known him forever, though. When he passed, I had a strange feeling for about a week, until I finally broke down and cried. That's the way I handle great losses, though. Strange, isn't it?
^sorta similar story here. Known him since I was probably 3-5 years old. Whenever I first saw Captain EO or Moonwalker. Probably whenever Moonwalker started airing on TV because that's where I first saw it. That's my best guess since I'm not sure. Diehard fan post-June 25th. And I can tell you he's really been the only celebrity I've become completely obsessed over, which I know will last a lifetime.
Like Suzy I have known Michael since I was a child in the Jackson 5 days and a fan since seeing him in 1972. It's been a long journey .......
I really feel like I know him because I was growing up with his music and his presence by my side for 28 years now.I am 40 now.
I was 12 when I heard Billie Jean on the radio and I fell in love that moment.
My whole life...everything I did was with Michael.
And still is.
I love him since 1991, but I remember I heard of him before that, because of mi big bro. He was a fan way before. I remember the laughter in Thriller scared the sh* out of me :p
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I am 30 years and I had known him for practically my entire life. Ever since I could remember I had L.O.V.E. Michael. But it wasn't until I was 15 when I really became the fan that I am now. Even though I only remember a tiny bit of Michael mania, some of the Bad Era, and probably half of the Dangerous Era. It was the HIStory Era was when I became a true hardcore fan of Michael. Because I was finally old enough to really start remembering an entire MJ era. And I remember being just so highly obsessed with him back then. And I still am now and I just so totally L.O.V.E. being one.
I am 30 years and I had known him for practically my entire life. Ever since I could remember I had L.O.V.E. Michael. But it wasn't until I was 15 when I really became the fan that I am now. Even though I only remember a tiny bit of Michael mania, some of the Bad Era, and probably half of the Dangerous Era. It was the HIStory Era was when I became a true hardcore fan of Michael. Because I was finally old enough to really start remembering an entire MJ era. And I remember being just so highly obsessed with him back then. And I still am now and I just so totally L.O.V.E. being one.

Totally same as you....I became a fan since I was very little, but I was 13 when HIStory came out, and that's when the obsession started :D
I remember recording 'Ben' from the radio on to my cassette recorder in 72, and playing it over and over.......( It was the only sort of download you could do in those days, LOL)

(I'd been given the latest gadget for Christmas, an integrated 'portable' radio-cassette recorder. It was about a foot square, a couple of inches deep and had a wood effect front. I spent ages trying to remove the reverb. from the first guitar note of my recording....I thought it was from the radio not being quite 'tuned in'. It took me years to realise that the reverb. was on the original recording) .
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I've been a full on fan for about 24 years now. But known of us ever "knew" michael, knowone really did=( except maybe Liz taylor.
I'd say I first saw him on TV in 1992-1993(Back in Ethiopia). They showed BAD music vid and I fell in love with it. I was about 4 or 5 Y.O. Then the my REAL fandom started by age 11 or 12 after coming 2 the US. I've enjoyed his music in the years b/w 1993 and 2001 but I didnt really know anything else… But I'm glad I'm a fan. I loved him more when I found out how really human he was, how imperfect he was like all of us. :) I'll love him and defend him till end!

Tnx for starting this thread…
