How is your offline support? Are your friends and family feeling your pain?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
My friends have called me, my mother and father called me right away, my teenage kids called from where they were - they are all very concerned for me because they know I loved him. I'm so thankful to learn that MJ brings out love and shows us that it is all about love.
Hi SoS

I am studying in London - away from home in Barbados. But my family and friends have been very supportive. People have mentioned me in the Facebook status and MSN messenger sign-ins.

This is really hard for me but even harder because I am in a strange country where I do not have any friends.
My parents & most friends understand my pain, they're good :)
My friends have comforted me all the day...althouth they really cannot feel how painful I am now...I am totally thankful to their support:( Thank them for being with me in such hard time in my life...
I was on the phone to my partner all night just in tears, and already my phone has been ringing off the hook just people asking me if i'm allright
Me parents understand. My dad was upset too - didn't quite expect that.

I want to go somewhere and be with fellow fans
All I got from my family was "have you heard the news".

My friends don't really give a shit but they are respecting how this has affected me.
Yes... My parents were first who told me this horrible news. My mother was almost criyng when told me this ((((( My cousin, aunts, friends - the all send me messages or called on the phone... I know that they are really sorry... They don't love Michael as I, but they respect him and his music.
it's a big tragedy... For each of us personally and for whole world...
I've had family and friends call or sms all day today, but i dont think they truly understand how im feeling inside. They say '' thinking of you jess'' or i know ur sad'', but they dont know of how much michael meant 2 me. He was my soul , my life....and now that one thing that made me smile & happy is gone :(. Its gonna take pretty much forever to get over this pain.
I phoned a close friend last night in tears and they were worried and shocked by the news
I woke my parents up to tell them last night as soon as it was officially confirmed, my parents will always respect me and undertsand what Michael ment to me because my dad is the one I have to thank for me becoming a fan of michael!
My mum and older sister have called me, and even my little brother came to visit me (which he usually doesn't, cuz he's 15 and has all these teenager things in his mind). I've received txtmessages and facebook profile comments all day, people are so shocked. Also the non-fans are shocked and showing their support. It's lovely really..

Even though noone else apart from other fans can understand this pain, I appreciate the support from my loved ones..
My family was comforting me and some calling to check on me. Others texting, "Is it true? I'm sorry hug" Except for one friend who always talked mess about Michael he did so even now and I hung up in his face. He keeps calling and he texted saying, "So now what you don't want to talk?" You don't say.
My mom saw me crying when I just started watching the news on TV. She thought I was crying because of the pain I was feeling from my oral surgery earlier that day.... that sure is painful but it will heal much faster... than this will.. my friends are supporting me online but yeah... I only had my mom offline yesterday.
My cousins called me like crazy but i just couldn't answer the phone.. I could barely put 2 words 2gether, so they got worried and called my mom and my other cousin who is my roommate. Then hit me up on twitter and facebook. and myspace. Finally I texted them back to let them know I am ok.. My dad won't call me because he has no idea of what to say. He hates to hear me cry..
My mum has been there for me, she is gutted too although not hysterically crying all the time like me. A couple of friends have texted me asking if I know etc but no-one has really checked in on me. I don't think they could imagine how bad I am.
My friends have called me, my mother and father called me right away, my teenage kids called from where they were - they are all very concerned for me because they know I loved him. I'm so thankful to learn that MJ brings out love and shows us that it is all about love.
My phone was ringing off the hook. I could barely control my hurt and disbeleif.
I barely slept a wink last night.
My family also knows how much I LOVE Michael and they have been very supportive.

I recently lost my brother and father, 4 months apart, and this feels almost as bad as that.
I'm lost. For real.
my whole friends and family have been there for me and my two other cousins. They really have shown sorrow in what has happened and are there for us. I really love them for that :).
I too got a call from someone I know but havent talked to in years.

Please everyone, lets not talk about Michael in the past tense. :boohoo:

We LOVE him. We ARE his fans.

OMGoodness! I just noticed the name of this section of the forum. :boohoo:
Most of them are understanding. I can't complain. Even the one's who weren't fans are sad about his death.
yes I have my bro call me early morning then my friend in AU int call me
After that my friend in office send msg to me and my manager call me that I m ok or not.
After that I got msg on phone again and my mom call me ..I can't hide her my pain she know from my voice she will pick me up and back home together coz she don't want me stay alone now so I m waiting her arrive.
yes... my family and friends are supporting me...
my brother is very worried about me and my mom is very sad too...

i'm devastated
My mother and father feel me pretty deep. My sister too, although she not as affected as me. It's a shock to all of us...
My boyfriend has been pretty amazing. Last night I was a mess and he stayed up with me all night and went to work today. To be honest I can't wait for him to get home today, I'm not sure if it's helping me being on here or making me worse.
my parents and sister are all mourning with me... my mum cried as well... my sister too.... michael was big part of our family. all those times we listened to his music, watched his DVDs, always on road trips we bathed in his music... oh god... in tears again