how he made us feel


Proud Member
Sep 12, 2004
Hello everyone and hugs.
I was watching my TII dvd which came today and there is a bit in the extras esp where they talk about how Michael made them feel inside when he spoke to them or even just looked at them. Everyone who has met him, listened to his music, gone to his concerts seems to have felt this goodness, this amazing feeling. I have never felt anything else like it. It was the first time I have seen what I was trying to describe to my mum the other day about Michael's concerts made me feel- it felt/feels like magic is real-goodness-if you could take all the goodness and wrap it up and put inside a human-being-that is what you would get- Michael Joseph Jackson.
what about you?
I've never met Michael, seen him in concert, etc. But just by the sound of his voice or the mention of his name, my heart speeds up and I smile. I can't describe the feeling that Michael gives me but it's amazing I love it. It's not anything I've felt before with anybody else.
I remember one night I was sitting at my table doing some homework and the TII commercial came on with Man In The Mirror playing. Just within the first 2 seconds of hearing it, my stomach got a different, but very nice, feeling and I just wanted to listen to him forever. I feel this way all the time with Michael. I just really love him so much.

His love is magical.
That is a wonderful way to phrase it. We could feel MJs goodness, and his L.O.V.E.
Magic is definitely the word for Michael. Enchanting, too. When I see him or listen to him...whether through music or just talking...all of my worries and cares about the world melt away and I'm suddenly just in the now moment...enjoying myself. I feel so much love and I feel like I used to feel when I was a kid...which is just...gleeful. He stirs up the part of me that I often hide or don't even recognize myself. He makes me feel connected and in tune with the divine.... because he was divine. He carried so much more light than anyone I have ever what else can you expect to feel in that kind of presence? :heart:
Michael has that magic and presence that makes you stand back and just go 'wow.' The mere mention of his name sends chills down my spine. Michael makes me feel connected with the world. I'll see a beautiful tree or the sun setting and I have this warm feeling in me and think to myself 'Michael would love this.' Sometimes I cry when I see stunning things of nature because of Michael's message. I can feel him there when I see these things. He makes me want to be a better person and when I hear people tell stories about his generous nature it makes me smile. This world was so blessed, I was so blessed, to have him in my life. The world suffered a terrible loss in June. I love him so much.
I've never met him... and never will :weeping:
I was so close.. his comeback in London.. i would have been there :cry: :(
OH GOD!! :(
You all have really captured also my feelings in everything you say... Michael is just magical, and I have never felt like this about anyone else. He makes me want to be a better person, and I know I'm on the right way as I follow him as my inspiration and idol in my life. I wish I could be as caring, humble, generous and kind human being as he is. And in addition to all this, he totally enchanted me with his music, presence and charisma for the first time I saw him performing in TV many, many years ago. And he does it still every time. Years go by, but I will stay enchanted till the day I die. I'm so happy to have him in my life, and I wish everyone around me would see him the way I do. Because if they did, they wouldnt' ever be the same again.
I so totally agree with what you guys had said about Michael. He has also made me feel the same way. I just wish for once I could have met him. :boohoo: And it was always been a dream of mine to meet Michael. :weeping:
He stirs up the part of me that I often hide or don't even recognize myself. He makes me feel connected and in tune with the divine.... because he was divine. He carried so much more light than anyone I have ever what else can you expect to feel in that kind of presence? :heart:

I'll see a beautiful tree or the sun setting and I have this warm feeling in me and think to myself 'Michael would love this.'
I was so blessed, to have him in my life. The world suffered a terrible loss in June. I love him so much.

Beautiful thread. I can completely relate to everything that's been said. I'd be here for hours writing down what it is but it wouldn't measure up to how I feel. I will never forget how he made me feel and STILL makes me feel and will ALWAYS make me feel. I'm so grateful that Michael was a part of my world and my life for the last 20+ years and will continue to be so in memory. I'm even more thankful to have seen him in concert when I was a little girl - a moment in my life I will never ever forget, and the day that I completely fell in love with him! I find it really difficult to put my love for Michael into words because words are just too simple. He just makes me feel so loved, like there's a connection there. It's just... wow! I truly love him with all my heart and I'm so incredibly proud to just say that. I thank God I was able to live in the same era as him. He'll always be a part of me.
I never had the chance to see michael in concert - and nobody will ever be able to replace this wonderful person. But i know that michael is with me every single day. He's watching over me-protecting me from the haters. I'm so thankful that i'm a fan of him. I feel myself really blessed that i was living in the same century like michael. I'll continue to support him until the day i'll die. Thanks, michael! I love you so much!!!