how has michael changed you?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Columbus, OH
For me, I have a better appreciation for children, and because of him, I've come to realize that I was fortunate enough to have had a pretty stable and carefree childhood.

Also, something with less meaning, whenever I pass Green Giant brand vegetables at the grocery store, I involuntarily sing "ho ho ho, green giant" .. :)

In what ways have you changed, or what do you find yourselves doing because of Michael?
It can be something significant like how your life has changed, or something as minor as a habit you've formed because of something Michael does..
Because of him I have realized how sweet and innocent children are, and I have also unfortunately learned not to trust people, because they can backstab you anytime.
Because of him I learned the true meaning of 'giving is better than receiving'.

I have gotten back on the 'right' path for my life right now, which is to continue in my education and not give up, because without it I won't be able to give as much as I could with it...

He has also gotten me to start writing again, which is something I missed. I just needed that extra kick in the butt to go out and look for the inspiration, it can't always just come to me... =]

thank you michael!
I realize that I'm worth more than I though and that is why I started to play on my violin with heart - so I think its mean that I found my way of live :)

He made me more sensitive on human suffering...

I cased to be ashamed to express my opinion, I think it started when I was fighting for Michaels reputation in my school on laud :p

I don't belive everything I read and I always trying to find another perspective.

I started like carrot cake, wchich was Mike's fav :D

I could talk and talk about what Michael changed in my life but this would be too long so..I don't think my live would be the same without him :)
Thanks MJ!
Michael honestly makes me want to be a better person. :)
It's like I want to make him proud or something.
I have learned so much from Michael, I look up to him so much, he is a great role model. Because of him, I too have a stronger appreciation for children and would like to help them out in any way I can. He has taught me to be a stronger person. Michael is one of the strongest people that I can think of. I can't think of a single other person who has been through more than he has and is still able to show a smile on his face, be loving, so caring, and still be so giving. He has really showed me the importance of love, support, and being who you truly are. He has influenced me to put others in front of myself and to never give up when times are tough. He is so brilliant! I can't say enough about Michael, really.
Michael gave me a second chance to live.He saved my life!

Back in 1995,i almost ended my life,and he was the reason,the hope,the dream,the strengh i needed to fight for life.

If it wasn't him,i wouldn't know amazing people,
If it wasn't him,i wouldn't have known this place,
If it wasn't him,i wouldn't have known what love is.
I'm forever thankfull to Michael.
Thanks to Michael I have so much love and care to give to all of my friends :) He's taught me to appreciate the people around me and to look after my disabled dad. I'm a person who doesn't judge people, I don't get angry with peope if they don't know something and I've got a lot of patience with people who are being taught something. Thanks to Michael I'm a better person :)
He IS a great role model! ^

Michael has taught me how to love myself and to not care about what others think. He has made me realize that it's important to be strong and confident in yourself because in the end, nobody really knows you, but you! No matter how hard life might get, you will always be loved..even if it's by someone you don't know. He has also taught me that in order for us to change we have to DO something about it. We can't just sit here and mop around. Life is too precious.