How has Facebook changed your life?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
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How has Facebook changed your life?

Have you reconnected with long lost friends and family members through facebook? Did you find someone very special to you that you thought was lost forever? Did you find love on facebook and eventually get married?

How has Facebook changed your life?

Do you spend hours and hours on Facebook? Are you constantly checking your friend's status updates? Do you write status updates every hour? Do you constantly poke people or send them "good karma" all the time?

Are you spending too much time on Facebook?

Do you regret posting something on Facebook?
Did you post a status update that you thought was silly but now you regret it? Did someone see an embarrassing photo that you can't live down? Did you find out a secret when someone posted information on your wall? Did you write on someone's wall and now you're thinking "why did I do that!"

Did you reveal an embarrassing secret you wished you hadn't on Facebook?

The Oprah Winfrey Show wants to hear from you! Please only respond if you're 18 or older and willing to share your story on national television.
I don't get much into facebook. All my friends use it religiously but I can't keep up. It's pretty good though. I think the events feature that allows you to invite your friends to an event. It makes organising such events very easy. Yeh, it's pretty cool. But I just don't make a lot of time for it.
LOL I joined there only because.. everone else is there.
I just play Geo Challenge & Tower bloxx (I'm addicted to the games..) :lol:
People go on facebook to talk to friends instead of taking the time to go see them.

It's kinda fucked up
Living 3000 miles away from my family. Facebook is a great way of staying in touch. My whole family is on there. My best friends moved up North 2 years ago. I use facebook to stay in touch with her. But, I still call her on the phone for a "proper chat". lol Many old friends have found me on there also. I have myspace also but facebook is much easier and effecient. :)
Cass, as you know I did the whole myspace, and yeah, I got a FB, but to be honest I can't stand it anymore. IMO, twitter is much better....holla....esp if you're mobile.

Cass, as you know I did the whole myspace, and yeah, I got a FB, but to be honest I can't stand it anymore. IMO, twitter is much better....holla....esp if you're mobile.


You expect me to say something in 140 words or less?????????????????:bugeyed
It hasn't really. I've re-connected with some old friends on there but apart from that it hasn't impacted my life at all. The only reason I even joined in the first place was because my friends kept bugging me to join, but I really don't even go on that much these days. Facebook,mysapce,etc. are not that serious for me. I know some people are like obsessed with their mysapce or facebook pages but i've never been into those sites like that.