How does Michael Jackson keeps his inner child ?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
San Antonio Texas
I love Michael Jackson alot but it seems he is always happy with a smlie on him and is so how or what does he do to keep that part of his inner child happy? I wish i was like him..
It's not hard to be happy, and obviously Michael knows that you have to make the most of life and not to be so negative & sad all the time. :flowers:
It's his creative process at work... U know when u don't go through something other kids do, you don't mature fully in that way either.. Ur brain does not develope simply over time.. It's the experiences effecting the brain and how it reacts..

Think of it like a piece of clay.. If u don't move a specific area, it will not change.. It's the experience people go through that take away that 'child like' attitude..

He's matured in so many ways, but since he never had those experiences as a child, he never got over them, and went onto the next step..

I understand this pretty well simply because I have some simular traits.. They do have downfalls too... Especially when your married.. ;) AHHHHHHHHHHHHH 4 real.
It's all about not worrying about your own life because there are so much more to worry. So there are things to worry about but then also lots of things to enjoy and Michael knows how to handle it all. That's true wisdom. Some people like live under pressure their whole life with their careers and stuff like that and in the end they will pass away. It's all the much smaller things that make a life.

I'm proud to say I'm very much like Michael.
It's his creative process at work... U know when u don't go through something other kids do, you don't mature fully in that way either.. Ur brain does not develope simply over time.. It's the experiences effecting the brain and how it reacts..

Think of it like a piece of clay.. If u don't move a specific area, it will not change.. It's the experience people go through that take away that 'child like' attitude..

He's matured in so many ways, but since he never had those experiences as a child, he never got over them, and went onto the next step..

I understand this pretty well simply because I have some simular traits.. They do have downfalls too... Especially when your married.. ;) AHHHHHHHHHHHHH 4 real.

KOPV it sure looks like you're comparing Michaels brain to a lump of clay.
^ Humans are built to be molded.. (yes like clay) That's everyone... And if you don't have the opportunity to get a particular part of the brain stimulated the way in needs, it wont develope..

That creates the human behavior, and personality..

EVERYONE, not just Michael.. Some are overlly 'stimulated' in sertain espects and have good and bad effects from it, some under 'stimulated' and good and bad effects come from that..

That is in EVERYTHING too.. A person does not get the love from a parent needed, once they grow up, there is a large chance that that person will have effects from that..

These traits can go either way, depending on personal coping devices that person uses naturally. But SOME effects.

* Becomes a good companion and friend,
* will always to be there for others
* Be independent is some areas

* Has a hard time letting go of people
* IS overlly sensitive to people not taking the relationship serious
* Less deppendent in some areas

That's just the nature of the brain.. Not just Michaels.. ALL of ours..

Even in animals, studies have been proven to show this.. For example, they have taken baby chickens, put them in different up bringings. 1) With the mother 2) Without a mother 3) With a fake chicken.. All 3 up bringings had different effects to the brain..

The ones that had a mother knew how to take care of there lil' chickens when they had babies.. Were highly developed etc.. The ones without a mother, went longer without having other chickens because they refused to 'mate' because of "trust" issues with itself and comfort levels of being around the male chicken.. The one without the chicken had signs of being nutured because they thought they had a mother, but reacted slowly to learning things. (not being taught) and they did not know how to respond to other chickens..

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