How do you present your MJ posters ?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Ive got a room dedicated for MJ and up until now ive just stuck my posters up using simple blutack.

Im looking to buy something that'll keep my new posters in pristine condition but im unsure what i should buy.

Here are the new posters ive got coming in the post

im thinking of buying these frames are they any good ?

Framing them is definitely the way to go. To make sure they don't fade over time from sunlight, I'd double-check to make sure that they use UV-resistant glass or acrylic. That link doesn't mention if they do or not; most frames use it, but it couldn't hurt to find out.
I always frame my MJ posters. I also have posters attached to my closet but those are just simple posters from the history concert i got out of some mag. And after a while i switch sometimes coz i don't like to many posters in my room. There are only a few posters i don't gonna switch.. My tribute posters (the one that is framed now is a bit damaged while framing coz it was so big :( so i don't want that to happen to the others) and i have my favorite photo of MJ framed for years, mostly above my bed :)
Ive got a room dedicated for MJ and up until now ive just stuck my posters up using simple blutack.

Im looking to buy something that'll keep my new posters in pristine condition but im unsure what i should buy.

Here are the new posters ive got coming in the post

im thinking of buying these frames are they any good ?

Those frameless photo frames are very flimsy ive had several in the past and they break really easily so I now use ones with frames around them from poundland...

Ive recently had my bedroom refitted and re decorated so my posters are now confined to the bedroom door with my favourites in A4 poundland frames by my bed...