how do you locate a person who may be missing?


Proud Member
Oct 29, 2004
Okay so I'm a little stressed out - my 8.5 month pregnant friend had a roommate from TN, she went to the library and he and all his stuff was gone. I'm wondering, is there any way or a website that I can go to to look up where he lives/d, I know his full name and his birthday and thats it.

He sent me a message on myspace from his phone & I responded but the messages to him are un-read so I'm a little concerned; I hope he is okay and just perhaps moved out but didn't tell anyone.

I need prayers & I need a way to locate him back to TN without it being an actual "missing person"
usually you have to wait 24 hours before filing a missing person's report...also if she came back and all his stuff was gone too...he may NOT want to be found...I wish you luck..:hug:
^^ yea thanks. I kind of figured that but he sent me a myspace message and told me to message him & I did. The responses to him, have not been read. =(

I need prayers and no he doesnt have a facebook. Does Intellius cost anything?? How does that work??