How Do You Know When You Are In Love And Found Your Soul-Mate?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
What are the feelings you get when you are in love with someone and know they are The One (Soul-Mate)? Please help.
is this about Michael? Because I feel he is my soulmate :wub:
To me it's when you look into the eyes of your significant other and just know by heart. that moment there's just no doubt left and you're full of warm happiness only!
I don't believe in soulmates and there isn't only One. It's a combination of things. Falling in love is only part of it and may not suffice for a healthy lasting relationship. You have to look at all the aspects: how your personalities match (don't think one or the other will change in that department - they won't), whether your priorities are the same, do you have any future perspectives. Good luck in your romantic endeavours! :)
I have no clue how to answer this at all. But i wish i did!!Haven't experienced it yet!
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I met a Michael Jackson fan at the memorial. We met while standing outside the Staples Center. My question is this: How do you know when you are in love and found the one, (Soul-Mate)? Please help.
Did you only meet the one time? Try spending time with him/her, it will help you to figure out your feelings.
I think about her a lot and I get this feeling in my stomach. I never felt like this before.
Ever since the memorial I talk to her every-day and when I first saw her this feeling came over my body it is so hard to explain.
All I know is I never felt like this before and she is always on my mind ............Day.......and..........Night
Well good for you, then. Go for it. I don't see a problem here.
I met a Michael Jackson fan at the memorial. We met while standing outside the Staples Center. My question is this: How do you know when you are in love and found the one, (Soul-Mate)? Please help.

Spend some time together and have faith in your own feelings... they will tell. ;)
Power_Of_Love...Your heart will tell you if you have found your soul mate.
Being in love with the love of our life,is the most amazing,powerfull and beautiful feeling someone can feel.
I found the love of my life almost 10 years ago,and there's not a single day or night that goes by,that i don't thank God for allowing me to have such a bless in my life.
There's nothing i wouldn't do for my boyfriend.Really nothing.
His well being and happiness mean the word to me
That is how I feel about her. I feel there is nothing I would not do for her and I just want to make her happy. It is a feeling unlike anything else I have ever experienced in my life.
you know these things if you feel like, without them, your life would end. nothing makes you happier than to see them, nothing hurts more than to be away from them. fighting brings you heartbreak and sadness, but the love means more than anything in the world.

you cannot be you without them, they make your life complete.