How do you become a serious trader of unrelased concert footage?


Proud Member
Aug 26, 2011
I wanna start collecting but need a few tips on getting started,any good pointers real collector can give me? I have tons of MJ footage by the way!
I'd guess you have to start off with something rare. If you get something rare somehow then your pretty much good to go.

Im still hoping to come across something pretty rare one day.
1. Get hold of rare material.
2. Advertise it as "for trade" in as many MJ communities as possible.
3. Trade it for other rare material, and then repeat from step 1.

At least that's what I assume. I wouldn't know, because I never managed to get past step 1.

I think 99% of people can't complete the first step.

I've searched years for rare material, in every way I know possible (video material). I've had a couple of opportunities to get things, but haven't been willing to pay a big price.

I think that's the most important thing.

1) Have lots of money
2) Be willing to spend it

You gotta take a big plunge to start off with, I think. You may end up paying 200% of what the material is worth, but at least you are on the ladder. From then onwards, you can be more smart about the prices that you pay. But I think you would have to take a huge plunge and shell out a lot of money to even get "in the game".
Money/ other rare footage + source = GOOD TIMES! :punk:
lets wait few months and i am sure he is sharing TEASING-snippets of tokyo 88 or other unreleased concerts and will never share full songs ^^

anyway i know how hard it is to get a trader and i stoped with that hard hobby after 2years :D

you just need good helpful contacts ;)