How do people know about these fan meet ups? is this a UK board


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011

ive been a member here for since 2004 and the last couple of days ive lived on here.

Friday night was a huge low point for me, but i feel that if i'd known about the gatherings at trafalgar square and liverpool street, i could have gone and leaned on others for support and got out the house. Howvever I cant understand how i never knew of this gathering when it seems like so many hundreds of fans were there? how will i know about these things in future? is this not really a UK board and if not which one should i be visiting?

i really need some help i'm feeling very alone

yeah i thought so. but how did/ do people know about trafalgar square meet-ups? i mean there were hundreds there with posters etc, it cant have been impromtu. i know i'm being selfish but i really feel alone and if i could find out about these things in future i think it could help, plus i would somehow feel i was payring my respects and actually doing something for him by showing the world i loved him too... any ideas?
I think there's a lot going around on Twitter. That's how I found out about today's meet-up in Vienna. Get an account on Twitter, follow as many fans as you can and use the search engine to find any meet-ups that might be happening.
check out otehr boards such as maxjac or mjjboard or kop. things get posted on there

ive been a member here for since 2004 and the last couple of days ive lived on here.

Friday night was a huge low point for me, but i feel that if i'd known about the gatherings at trafalgar square and liverpool street, i could have gone and leaned on others for support and got out the house. Howvever I cant understand how i never knew of this gathering when it seems like so many hundreds of fans were there? how will i know about these things in future? is this not really a UK board and if not which one should i be visiting?

i really need some help i'm feeling very alone


Yes, I was wondering same.... I need somewhere to go this week and let it all out. Can someone please put notifications all in one STICKY thread so we know?
:( i want to pay tributes to michael so so so much.