How do i tell someone that i like them?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Ok I'm in abit of a dilemma i have the biggest crush on someone who I've known for a little over a year now :yes: but i want to tell them that I want to be with them in a more than friends kinda way but I've never told anyone that I like them before :(.

I'm not very good with Words and i find saying " Will you go out with me" abit tacky I want to something abit more meaningful and Romantic i was thinking about playing a Romantic Song/Ballad on the Piano and dedicating the Song to them since i play the Piano it would make sense for me to do that but I'm scared in-case i bugger up my playing due to nerves because as mentioned previously I've never told a Crush that i like them and always let the opportunity slip away I know my crush likes me in that way aswell but I don't know what i should do:mello:
Right well what you wanna do is go up to him and say "Oi , i like you... ect"

Errrmmmm if your in school probably best not to bother seeing as nothing will come of it and if he says no you'll be embarased (can never spell that word)

Actually just hang out together in a freindly way and see what it's like then take it from their
Right well what you wanna do is go up to him and say "Oi , i like you... ect"

Errrmmmm if your in school probably best not to bother seeing as nothing will come of it and if he says no you'll be embarased (can never spell that word)

Actually just hang out together in a freindly way and see what it's like then take it from their

I'm a College student so not really the same as School but we rarely hang on we're both Busy and the only way we keep in touch is text or phone but we usually text each other on a daily basis