how do i make youtube video


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
how do i make youtube video?

cause i sign up on youtube o.k i don't sign up on youtube my firend did :giggle: :eek:

cause i like to make video for MJ :D from my heart :)
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umm you need software and footage to make a video, windows movie maker is a good one to start with, then you can progress to something like final cut.

you also need footage either downloaded or currently on your computer to edit a video together, adding music can produce a music video. :) lol

you then sign in to the youtube account, go to upload and then video, browse to the file on your computer, upload and change details such as info, title, tags, category etc
thanks big DB :)

thanks for the help i'm need at this

:yes: i do have windows movie maker :yes:

this will be my first video to make so :eek:

or this will be more easy if someone video type me :) do you think that'll be more easy for me to do that or not? :thinking:
oh yea it took me years of practice, its developing a keen eye for what looks good, and if it doesnt look good, try other ways or other footage until it does. Keep us posted on how everything goes, and please post any copies of your video once finished :)
oh yea it took me years of practice, its developing a keen eye for what looks good, and if it doesnt look good, try other ways or other footage until it does. Keep us posted on how everything goes, and please post any copies of your video once finished :)

hey :waving: big DB :yes: i'll keep let you know and :yes: i'll post my new video when it's done :)
myself i can't wait also too :yes: :giggle: it'll take me along time to do it cause is my first video ever :yes: :thinking: :eek:
wow, have fun, Rockstar! It's great fun IMO, I enjoy making videos a lot. Though sometimes Windows Movie Maker likes to play tricks with me. Sometimes I have big problems with that program and I've heard many people have. But a good point is that it's basic so it's easy to use for everyone. make my first video i did i hope is o.k :eek: but the problems is that how can i get it to post it
i did it in winwders movies maker :yes: