How did you discover/get hooked on MJ?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
How did you discover MJ? when did you realize he was great?

For me it was in 7th grade, my friend told me about MJ. I thought he was weird, my friend thought he was a Pedophile. He told me about the game Moonwalker, and tried showing me a few dance moves in Art class. I tried to mimic my friend. I thought MJ was interesting just as him self, i had not listened to any songs yet. In 2007-2008 this kid at lunch was singing a MJ Parody to "TWYMMF"

"Hey little billy with the high tops on....dont tell your mom.....have a party at neverland"

I thought the beat was catchy, not realizing yet it was a parody of a MJ song.
One Day i stumbled across The Way You Make Me Feel on youtube. It was a video of Mario on the NES moonwalking with MJ/s song in the background. Before long I saw the Music video to the 1989 song. Then i saw Black and White, and thats what really started me on MJ. I still remember watching Black or White in the Summer of 2008....good times.

My beliefs that MJ was a pedophile reversed after i discovered him more, i did my own research and to this day i dont think he did anything ever to anyone. I also have learned not to believe any "tabloid talk"

Thanks MJ, you've taught me alot :)
In the late 90s when I was about 7 or so my Mom had a VHS with Leave Me Alone on it. I seen it and it scared the mess out of me. I was sacred I would see that video again. Any mention of MJ was frightening until I seen scream a few years later. I didn't have much more MJ contact until 2001 and I seen the 30th anniversary and YRMW. I still was not old enough to comprehend how amazing he was. Then my sister bought the Number Ones DVD and an MJ mix CD. When she would leave I would watch the DVD in here room and I stole her CD. I grew to Love MJ ever since then.
Around '92-'93 I already knew how incredible this man was w/out really knowing what he was about. I mean I knew he had the moonwalk, i knew "hee hee", i knew he was very generous, peaceful and thats pretty much it - until I saw the Billie Jean, Beat It videos. I liked how he tosses a coin into the homeless man's cup and turns him rich, and how he united two gangs w/peace! So I seen more videos, TWYMMF, SC, Bad, BOW. Then finally I saw The Bucharest concert.... Thats when I officially became a Michael Jackson fan!!
I have a question, ive been reluctant to buy the DVD for some reason, why is The Bucharest concert so great? i mean i know its MJ...but what makes it better than others?
I'm 31 years old and I really don't know what got me hook on Michael to begin with. Mainly because of the fact that I had loved him ever since the early 80s. But I think it wasn't until the Dangerous era was when I really started to get in to him. Especially since I remember seeing the world premiere of his videos for the Dangerous albums. Well except for the Black Or White video. I don't remember seeing that video back then. But it was the HIStory Era was when I really became the hardcore fan that I am now.
My first memory of MJ was being terrified of the 'Thriller' video lol My older brother would play it to mess with me cause he knew it would scare me. I was probably like 5 then. But then when i was around 7 i started watching some of his other videos and also back then i remember they would have an MJ weekend on MTV/VH1 where they would play his videos, 'MoonWalker', the Bucharest concert and even some J5 cartoons. And little by little i just started getting more and more interested in his music. Then when i was 9 i went and bought my first MJ album which was the 'HIStory' album...and from there i just grew into the hardcore MJ fan i am today at 24 :)
Well mine is a cute little story.

Ever since I was born, there's footage of me dancing, singing to Michael from an early age. I was born into his magic world, his energy and soul.

The earliest video I have is me, age 2/3 dancing to Thriller.
I was introduced through Black Or White, I knew his songs before, and as a toddler I loved Bad and Thriller, and Billie Jean, those were the only songs I knew, and used to sing a horrible interpretation of them. I didn't see him until the Black Or White video had premiered, after that Jam was literally my JAM! Then a few years later, I saw DSTYGE on television for the first time, and recognized the voice, but didn't recognize the face and body, then I saw the credits come up and it said Michael Jackson. Being a young, stupid kid, I was yet aware of Michael and his medical history, in regards to skin tone and looks, and I said outloud to my grandmother, who was sitting next to me at the time, "Michael should sue this guy!". She laughed, and that moment introduced me to Michael's catalog before the late 80's, ever since then, I've been hooked.

I love telling this story. :D
It was love at first sight (or rather first hear). It was around 1987. A son of a friend of my father left a tape with the Bad album in my father's car. My father put it into the player and I got hooked immediately. He realized I liked it so he made a copy for me (I know piracy, but this was Eastern Europe 1987) and the rest is history....
Its a long story but its in the fans section and is called my story:yes:
Let's see... It was around 1997, and I was 3 years old. My sister was obsessed with MTV, and by chance the masterpiece known as "Michael Jackson's Ghosts" came on. Me, associating long hair with feminism, thought that MJ was a girl, to which my sister corrected me. It was the only music video that I loved, as I always hated my sister watching them. I even taped it so I can watch it over and over again. I also saw "You Are Not Alone" and "Earth Song", but I never thought much of the former because I thought that if my sister liked it, then the singer must be one of those shallow people who always sings love songs. How wrong I was.

Many years later, at the beginning of 2009, the Angry Video Game Nerd did a review of the game "Michael Jackson's Moonwalker". I think I watched that review many times because I was amazed that a singer could actually have his own game. Later, around March or April, the Nostalgia Critic did a review of the movie "Moonwalker", and while he heavily criticized most parts of the movie, the one part that he enjoyed and loved the most was the 10 minute "Smooth Criminal" segment. Upon seeing that, I decided to research MJ a bit more in the coming months. Then, of course, June 25th arrived, and it was sadly after that when I really became the MJ fan I am today.
these are all so cute, you guys are really old. going back to the dangerous/thriller I barely remember the Invincible Era....but when i was little i forgot to put on my post i remember hearing: Rockin Robin by the J5.
Sad to say I only got hooked on Mike after he died. I loved Rock with You, She's Out of My Life and Stranger in Moscow but that was it. When he died I was intrigued by all the publicity and wondered what all the fuss was about. I started to investigate and the more I learned about him the more I came to admire and love him so much that my adult children thought I had lost my mind. Maybe it's because I'm not a typical Mike fan being a senior citizen (but a young-looking and -feeling one, by the way). Anyway, he is such an incredible human being and nobody is immune where he is concerned, from the youngest baby who moves to his music to the oldest living person who listens to his music on a rocking chair.
Mine was around '87 or '88. Me and my parents were in my dads car going on our holiday and my dad was playing a compilation tape. IJCSLY came on and I just loved it. Then I remember hearing the rest of the bad album and was like "". Never looked back since :)
It was the late 80's so I was very little (born in 1984) and my older brother bought the Bad album which I ended up hijacking and my next door neighbour gave us Moonwalker on vhs. I remember when a friend was coming round for tea we spent the whole day boasting to our classmates that we were going to be listening and dancing to MJ later on "cos that's how cool we are" lol :D
I watched The Simpsons all the time. They made a lot of references to Michael in some way or another. Years later I finally heard the Thriller album.
I have a question, ive been reluctant to buy the DVD for some reason, why is The Bucharest concert so great? i mean i know its MJ...but what makes it better than others?

The Bucharest concert is not his greatest. I bought the DVD because when he died I became a devoted fan and it was the only authorized one available in my country. Other concert DVDs are pirated ones and I bought them too.
For me it happened when BOTDF was released (1997)! I was 9 and I remember my parents bought the album for my aunt and I was just staring at the cover and asked if I could listen to it. lol...spent the whole day dancing to those songs!

But I don't remember if I saw the video before that...

And more MJ stuff I heard/listened to the more I got hooked!
Someone here says how some of you are really old. lol. As I am reading all I think is wow, so young.

Late 70's early 80's for me. Seems so long ago now.

Someone here says how some of you are really old. lol. As I am reading all I think is wow, so young.

Late 70's early 80's for me. Seems so long ago now.


You're lucky! A lot of us missed so much because we were born late. I wish I had witnessed all his eras.
the 'So what's up' from when BAD was premiered and the flick of the arm.Good times.