How did the band do this


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
On like Billie Jean and Earth song..There are moments where the lyrics stop..For example when mj breaks out into dancing after the first chorus and it goes from the dancers watching back to mj dancing..The lyrics stop and come back in after mj spins with ''And she didn't know what was going on..''

But if it is not live..How do they know when to come back in?Surely they don't pause it..But i was just wondering..Same with earth song when he goes ''Although I know''...and then there are no words
i was wondering this too....maybe billie jean wasn't playback....
It could just be that MJ wasn't putting a whole lot of effort in.

If you've seen the Dangerous rehearsals then you know that at some points MJ just walks the routine out - maps it out. Jam, for instance. He kind of mumbles the lyrics under his breath and just maps out different positions and stuff.

Maybe MJ wasn't really trying on those songs - perhaps because it was rehearsal or perhaps because they were going to be playback during the concert.

But whatever the reason, it wouldn't have looked very impressive if they included it in the film and MJ was barely singing. People would just go 'oh look, told you so, he couldn't sing anymore'. So they've dubbed them.
People would just go 'oh look, told you so, he couldn't sing anymore'. So they've dubbed them.

I don't think anyone could've turned round and said that after his stunning vocals on IJCLY, Human Nature and I'll Be There.
Either way, MJ just walking his way through songs and not really singing them wouldn't be very impressive on the big screen.
On like Billie Jean and Earth song..There are moments where the lyrics stop..For example when mj breaks out into dancing after the first chorus and it goes from the dancers watching back to mj dancing..The lyrics stop and come back in after mj spins with ''And she didn't know what was going on..''

But if it is not live..How do they know when to come back in?Surely they don't pause it..But i was just wondering..Same with earth song when he goes ''Although I know''...and then there are no words

I am afraid I don't understand very well your question.
Do you mean how do the band know how to go on if Michael is not singing?

If so... well... I think that's why they do rehearsals. Michael is always reminding them to have their eyes ON him, to wait for his cue and I guess there are plenty more cues than the obvious cue we get to see.

I don't think MJ was dubbing those ones, for his voice is different from the actual recordings.

but... was that your question? Sorry about my weak English :(
Still noone has answered my question..Ok so it was dubbed, and? lol...

I think edited might be the way..But I just wondred ow even if it was dubbed they went bac into the vocals after mj did the spin in bj...
They could have pre-recorded the vocals,and michael could signal to them when he wanted playback or to sing live?
For example when mj breaks out into dancing after the first chorus and it goes from the dancers watching back to mj dancing..The lyrics stop and come back in after mj spins with ''And she didn't know what was going on..''
I could be wrong, but I think the vocals from that point came from the Billie Jean Demo and not MJ.
Either way, MJ just walking his way through songs and not really singing them wouldn't be very impressive on the big screen.

And that's what makes me sad about this is it everytime I see it. I always start thinkin', "Why does it have to be rehearsals only, why can't we just see MJ givin' this awesome concert..."! :(
I could be wrong, but I think the vocals from that point came from the Billie Jean Demo and not MJ.

So mj sung th first bit live until be broke off into dancing?? and then the demo was played...but how did the band know when to play it..would he of said ok when i danceand the next beat comes bk in, play the demo? ..Just wonder how it was all put in.

Same with earth song..Why have that bit without vocals...It wasn't mj singing but i wonder why that bit was with no lyric
if you watch the billie jean performance, after the "moonwalk section" they all come back in as normal but then stop and if you look at the "snake guy" backing singer he looks really confused and then doesn't know when to come back in :)
this means that they rehearsed billie jean with the demo
also the 3rd verse includes lines from the demo and MJ mimes to these lines so he obviously was using the demo for that performance. :)
I just don't understand why Mike uses dubbing, demos, playback..he can sing live, why doesn't he?? i don't mean for the rehearsals, I understand he's saving his voice...but during tours and whatnot..he sang live less and less....
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I think that when Kenny (or Sony) were editing this film, they added the Vocals from the Demo. It seems that MJ wasn't saying anything upto that point.....only dancing.
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if you watch the billie jean performance, after the "moonwalk section" they all come back in as normal but then stop and if you look at the "snake guy" backing singer he looks really confused and then doesn't know when to come back in :)
this means that they rehearsed billie jean with the demo
also the 3rd verse includes lines from the demo and MJ mimes to these lines so he obviously was using the demo for that performance. :)
What? When i see him miming, I see him miming the words from the album - not the demo. I'm 100% sure it was dubbed, especially considering this commercial which shows Billie Jean being sung LIVE.

I dunno who thought it was a good idea to modify ANY part of the performance, since I don't care how bad a live vocal may be - it's better than playback no matter what.

It's obvious in the movie that many songs are dubbed. Certain parts of the Jam vocal don't line up with the instrumental, same goes with They Don't Care About Us. They've said time and time again that Michael wanted every song to be live in the show.
That line 'Billie Jean is not my lover' is just the end line from when he would have thrown his hat into the audience, I think. There are no instruments behind him other than the drum.

I think they've just taken that line and edited a different bit of footage over it. That line appears in the song often enough.
So mj sung th first bit live until be broke off into dancing?? and then the demo was played...but how did the band know when to play it..would he of said ok when i danceand the next beat comes bk in, play the demo? ..Just wonder how it was all put in.

Same with earth song..Why have that bit without vocals...It wasn't mj singing but i wonder why that bit was with no lyric
Everyone's just taken their time to explain it to you. It was DUBBED which means that the whole thing was live - vocals and the band, but Kenny Ortega edited the film and added the demo vocals to it later on.
I just don't understand why Mike uses dubbing, demos, playback..he can sing live, why doesn't he?? i don't mean for the rehearsals, I understand he's saving his voice...but during tours and whatnot..he sang live less and less....
Maybe, he doesn't want to damage his voice. Listen to B.B. King. When he was young, his voice was smooth sounding, but now after over 50 years of constant touring and singing, his voice is kinda rough which is ok for blues music, but not pop so much. Also most of the dancing Mike was doing in The Jacksons & J5 was more traditional Temptations vocal group style step choreography and not as aerobicized as the dancing on his solo tours. If you noticed, Mike had dancers and background singers on his solo tours. The brothers didn't need that as the dancing was more simple and didn't make them out of breath, the dancing was built around the vocals. It's hard to sing and dance at the same time. Watch the Jacksons 70s TV show, whenever the siblings was doing more complex choreography, they didn't sing such as Stepping Out With My Baby, and they were young and in good shape. Or look at old movie musicals, if it sounded good to sing and do complex dancing simultaneously, there would have been no need for lip-syncing to pre-recorded tracks.
Maybe, he doesn't want to damage his voice. Listen to B.B. King. When he was young, his voice was smooth sounding, but now after over 50 years of constant touring and singing, his voice is kinda rough which is ok for blues music, but not pop so much. Also most of the dancing Mike was doing in The Jacksons & J5 was more traditional Temptations vocal group style step choreography and not as aerobicized as the dancing on his solo tours. If you noticed, Mike had dancers and background singers on his solo tours. The brothers didn't need that as the dancing was more simple and didn't make them out of breath, the dancing was built around the vocals. It's hard to sing and dance at the same time. Watch the Jacksons 70s TV show, whenever the siblings was doing more complex choreography, they didn't sing such as Stepping Out With My Baby, and they were young and in good shape. Or look at old movie musicals, if it sounded good to sing and do complex dancing simultaneously, there would have been no need for lip-syncing to pre-recorded tracks.

yes, this makes total sense....So many people though, have this issue with live they're not talented enough to sing live, when we know he know what I mean?
yes, this makes total sense....So many people though, have this issue with live they're not talented enough to sing live, when we know he know what I mean?
Well, you have to remember, people are paying to see a concert, not a dance recital. The main purpose of a concert is music. Dancing, pyro, giant pig props, costumes, lighting effects, etc. is secondary. Some people are upset that they pay a lot of money to hear canned vocals, when they could have stayed home and listened to the record for free. Think of it this way, let's say someone paid money to see a ballet, but the dancers did a lot of singing and little dancing. The audience would not be happy. Before Milli Vanilli, lip syncing in concerts was uncommon. Some dance music singers performing in clubs sang live vocals to prerecorded music track, because a band was too expensive and impractical for them. But for a major act, singing and playing has always been how it's done.
It is also dependant on the level of intensiity and totality of concert..Mj deserves to lip synch because of the style of his shows in relation to the age...But he will always sing live as much as possible because he is from the old school...He tries to emulate james brown as much as possible on stage...Jb never mimed..Would never even contemplate it

But I still am yet to understan why there was a skip in the vocals for Earth Song...The bit where he goes '' we're drifting far''...Because the vocals disapear and mj just stamps his feet...Why leave that bit out?

And again in bj..I guess it was edited..But how did mj know when to stop dancing and the vocals would come back in??...When he does the spin and sings lyrics from the demo