How could people even doubt that they were in love? (Prime Time interview)

Jan 17, 2004
I was just checking youtube and under recommended videos i saw the prime time interview of Mike and Lisa. When i first watched that interview, i was much much younger than i am now. Now i'm 26, so alot of things at that time i didn't notice or paid any attention to. So now i just watched it, and i noticed alot of things.

Michael was clearly very very happy here, very satisfied with how things were going. Mike and Lisa looked very very much in love there, nothing staged or whatsoever. Also the video of their wedding that they show....Mike laughing and happy, having fun with Lisa, both are laughing there. Michael was very very confident in this, probably his most confident interview ever, he looked Diane straight into the eyes (hell, something i have trouble with in life,lol) and answered all the questions and it was very very powerful. Again..this interview is of course nothing new, but at that time i was very young and didn't get much of it really.

How could people doubt that? However when Mike and Lisa broke up, Lisa started appearing on Oprah and Diane Sawyer again and said there relationship was strange and just weird...never a word about inapropriate things with children, but it was clear she thought he relationship with him was rather weird. Which brings me to Lisa's blog post after Michael's passing, basically praising the relationship they had. Very too bad that she had to go onto those shows though.

It's just a great thought that Mike no doubt had plenty of happiness in his life too, those photos of the two together already showed that, but this shows it even more. I didn't even remember that Diana also asked questions about the '93 allegations. And he explained it in perfect detail there, why the settlement was made. A lot of people should have seen that Mike was never capable of such a horrible crime. The same with the vitiligo, people not believing it. But he perfectly explained that during Oprah , even showed it i believe....sigh...alotta people are just idiots, thats pretty clear.
How can so many people still doubt him..and wonder why he settled the case...i guess alot of people never saw this interview then. But DID see Bashit's sorry excuse for a documentary..sigh.

These are the vids i watched



Yes, it was a powerful interview. MJ was quite believable. MJ saying he wanted to get the attention of the media with that piece of film would haunt him. The media was not amused. They sharpened their knives and went after him with vengeance.

My mom told me that DIANE SAWYER got at good look at the real MICHAEL JACKSSON and tried to convey it to the audience on her very next PRIMETIME show. But the criticism from her jealous media brethren was so intense, she caved to the pressure.
Real talk only the media doubted and had a great time letting the public know that. I just wish that she never did that oprah interview or even gave Diane to mins of her time when those interviews was done its was hard for a lot of MJ fans to come back from that not just young fans but the older fans who been fans sense the Jackson 5 but at the end of the day he forgave her and all of that is history. MJ looked so fine and I remember watching prime time and they both kept it real there. trust me a lot of fans came saw this interview but the orpah interview torn our hearts apart her mama
was a mess on there.
The problem i have with Diane is especially in a later interview of her with just Lisa...years after this. Where Diane asks in a disgusting way 'Marrying Michael, what were you thinking?!!!!' and worse questions than that....and Lisa replying 'i know ...i knowwww' but that what a bitch.
awesome post, yes the interview is one of his best. He is confident and bold despite Diana's attempts to expose something which was clearly not there. Love the interview and yes I think many shots in this show how much in love they were. :)
I remember watching that interview when it was done, back when I was little and the reason why I remember it is because it's when I was starting to become a huge fan. It is a powerful interview and he does appear very confident throughout instead of his usual timid self. It's like he wasn't afraid to hold anything back, I remember watching this interview on youtube just before he died and thinking it was a shame they split up and wondering if that someday they would ever get back together.
I watched this interview during the original airing (I was fully grown, heh) but seeing it again after all these years and after Michael is gone, it's very intriguing. Back then I just remember admiring Lisa Marie's sky blue outfit, lol. I still like it but the 90's are so over, hehe. Now I'm glad to see Michael stand up for himself like this. It all must have been so frustrating for him.
It's very irritating when Diane Sawyer and other media outlets act as if Michael was incapable of falling in love or incapable of having a romantic relationship with any woman. They acted as if he was the plague and that was so unfair. It was definitely sad that Lisa Marie fed into that media campaign against MJ.
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It's very irritating when Diane Sawyer and other media outlets act as if Michael was incapable of falling in love or incapable of having a romantic relationship with any woman. They acted as if he was the plague and that was so unfair.
Exactly. As if Michael was a being from another world. -_- :no: Therefore, I can not stand Diane Sawyer and also Barbara Walters. > :puke:
I love this interview...but hate the interviewer
Diane is completely trying to make Michael look bad.

Who the hell does she think she is!


As for Lisa doing those interviews with Oprah etc after they divorced...i was saddened that she would say those things. I dislike how she said 'she loves weird things' in other words Michael is weird. and so was their marriage. she was being very hipocrytical in those interviews when you compare them to this. in this she says they're marriage is normal and shes in love...and in those interviews after the divorce she basically calls it 'a joke' i dont think she used that term exactly..however she may as well because she kept calling it weird and stuff.

All in all...Diane Sawyer is a B**ch!!!
I love this interview...but hate the interviewer
This gif....... :wild:


As for Lisa doing those interviews with Oprah etc after they divorced...i was saddened that she would say those things. I dislike how she said 'she loves weird things' in other words Michael is weird. and so was their marriage. she was being very hipocrytical in those interviews when you compare them to this. in this she says they're marriage is normal and shes in love...and in those interviews after the divorce she basically calls it 'a joke' i dont think she used that term exactly..however she may as well because she kept calling it weird and stuff.

All in all...Diane Sawyer is a B**ch!!!
My thoughts too. :(
I noticed how incredibly uncomfortable Lisa Marie looked when Diane asked if they would like to sing together. I shouldn't really interpret it but that moment did stand out for me. Maybe she really wanted to emphasize that she didn't need Michael or anyone to record an album or maybe she protested just a little too much. Whatevah.
I watched this interview during the original airing (I was fully grown, heh) but seeing it again after all these years and after Michael is gone, it's very intriguing. Back then I just remember admiring Lisa Marie's sky blue outfit, lol. I still like it but the 90's are so over, hehe. Now I'm glad to see Michael stand up for himself like this. It all must have been so frustrating for him.

I remember watching it then as well and thinking "who the heck is this guy?" I'd never seen him so outspoken and BOLD. At the time I didn't realize that was LMP that brought out that side of him. I dug that, he really needed someone to get him to that level, to a point where he was sticking up for himself and not taking any more shit.

My personal belief since I've watched that interview over and over again is that they were in love at that time.
Diane sawyer.....LMAO at her! Her ridiculous reaction to MJ was like she was looking at something instead of a human! She looked creeped out by MJ there in that interview! She believed every negative about him, it was clear! I mean some of the questions she ask were like....WTF? o_O

In later yrs when interviewing Lisa she continued to do the same! It was very strange and pathetic! Lisa being a scorned women just let her talk bad about MJ in later interviews, now didn't she! *SMH*

But, karma is a bitch! She now knows how wrong she was for that don't she?! lol *SNAP*
I remember watching it when it aired...I was 18 years old. I thought even then they were real. Michael looked nice and Lisa was the only one that he *ever* cut his hair short for so it seems - many woman wanted to cut his hair or have it cut,but this was the only time it was short and he was with a woman at the same time that I recall. Good post.