How come all the good stuff comes out AFTER mj passes???


Proud Member
Apr 10, 2012
Out of curiosity.... Im not complaining cuz its nice to have more mj in society and everywhere i go but i feel its not fair that all his rare footages, interviews, merchandise, and radio plays only happend after he passed away....

Not fair that people like mike after hes gone. I think he should of gotten all this during his days here.

Where were all these things 5 years ago? you feel me?
To be honest it depends how youre lookin at it.. All these rare video/audio concerts (Pro and amature) were leaked to the public when mike still was alive.. We have gotten some stuff now that hes gone but we got alot more before when he was with us, just saying..

The only thing left on my list is the bad tour 1988/89, then i have seen all of his solo tours in proffesional quality and heard all of his studio albums he was working and released when he was with us. Everything else is considerd as a bonus for me cause lets be honest no MJ releated project will ever be the same as when he was here..

Oh and one last thing what we tend to forget is that MJ was the owner to most of his footage! Stuff didnt get released because he didnt want to..
What I hate the most is the FBI's policy about releasing their files only when the person they investigate is dead.

Even if these files weren't covered by the media that much, it would have helped a lot more when MJ was alive.
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My issue is whether or not people are being sincere in their love for Michael. Not the fans but people in the media, celebrities etc. I don't remember many people supporting him or speaking up for him over the years. It still bothers me how he was treated like nothing not a human being before he died and the cruel things that were said. Now he is gone and they all love him so much. Hypocritical. Everything good that happens now is bittersweet. It makes us happy but you wish Michael was still here to see it all himself. Michael deserved a lot better than what he got. He deserved peace and to be treated with respect in his life when he was still here.
The reason in part is they feel guilty for the treatment they themselves dealt Michael. Regardless of how gushy they seem to be to Michael, we all know the truth just under the surface. All you have to do is scratch away the top layer. The one's that truly love Michael know that all of Michael's good deeds he didn't do for media attention. What we are getting now is gifts Michael left for us. Yes they need to be delivered properly and not leaked. Michael's life was for giving back to those who have little and or none. Michael was treated horribly by media and other celebrity's and now they are trying to jump on the band wagon of love that we show Michael. Trying to make up for years of sh!t they dished him. We Love Michael whole heartedly. Nothing the media or anyone else say can change that.
stuff liek the PRO footage of bad tour smooth criminal with the LOMIS PRODUCTIONS on it.... this should of been public years earlier..... ANd properly released.
I hope they feel bad. I know that is not a nice thing to say. It's like some people were embarassed to say his name or that he inspired them. Now anybody says Michael's name and it becomes suspicious. I try to see the good in people but after seeing the years of the disrespectful and cruel treatment I get very hesistant in believing what people say about Michael now.

I want him to be respected and good things to happen that will benefit his children and celebrate Michael's life. But I will never forget how he was treated no matter how people want us to forget.
It wasn't released because he didn't release his own pro footage / concert footage ?
It wasn't release because he didn't release it -- He probably had plans to for BAD 25 Anniversary tho

It wasn't released because Michael wasn't ready or didn't want it released yet.
But he had huge plans for the releasing books, games albums lots of memorabilia. Footage could have been released also . MJ had already signed contracts with Bravado through Branca for many thing before he passed. I believe a lot would be out even if he hadn't died . He was just getting started to bring much more to the table.

All this would be put into play during his TII concerts and other venues he was planning. it wasn't just because he died. Michael was still very popular and sought after in the entertainment Biz. He wasn't considered a has been or ignored as some who were not around want to say.

It was MJ himself that took himself out of the spotlight for a few years after the trial to recoup and raise his children. when he did decide to return the world responded and he sold out his London venues and broke the record. Even crashed ticket master LOL because they couldn't keep up with the demand. Its the media that puts a bad spin and negative spin on everything - MJ was loved and was shown the love by his fans and the industry just as he always was. We wanted him back they wanted him back and on top where he belonged.

Its well know that once a celebrity is gone. What's left of them become more sought after.
but I wouldn't use that to say all these things wouldn't have come into play while he was alive

We have plenty of evidence of "You ain't seen nothing yet " ... MJ was bringing it
It wasn't released because he didn't release his own pro footage / concert footage ?
It wasn't release because he didn't release it -- He probably had plans to for BAD 25 Anniversary tho

It wasn't released because Michael wasn't ready or didn't want it released yet.
But he had huge plans for the releasing books, games albums lots of memorabilia. Footage could have been released also . MJ had already signed contracts with Bravado through Branca for many thing before he passed. I believe a lot would be out even if he hadn't died . He was just getting started to bring much more to the table.

All this would be put into play during his TII concerts and other venues he was planning. it wasn't just because he died. Michael was still very popular and sought after in the entertainment Biz. He wasn't considered a has been or ignored as some who were not around want to say.

It was MJ himself that took himself out of the spotlight for a few years after the trial to recoup and raise his children. when he did decide to return the world responded and he sold out his London venues and broke the record. Even crashed ticket master LOL because they couldn't keep up with the demand. Its the media that puts a bad spin and negative spin on everything - MJ was loved and was shown the love by his fans and the industry just as he always was. We wanted him back they wanted him back and on top where he belonged.

Its well know that once a celebrity is gone. What's left of them become more sought after.
but I wouldn't use that to say all these things wouldn't have come into play while he was alive

We have plenty of evidence of "You ain't seen nothing yet " ... MJ was bringing it

Finally a decent post.