How can people be so effin' dumb?

Jan 17, 2004

By the way ------------ if this needs to be in a different subforum, no problem. If that's the case, my bad :).

A friend gave me a link, to a big article from some Psychologist, from what i understand, this dude believe MJ was guilty. He said he doesn't know if he molested boys, but he think he might have. My friend told me it might change my mind about MJ...but of course it doesn't.

I didn't read the whole piece cause its just waaaaay too long. But maybe some peolpe here do want to read it. I'm thinking of signing up there and writing some facts, but i am kinda on the fence on that. The guy doesn't seem like a mindless hater, but i hate the fact that he thinks MJ might have done something.

If the guy did proper research he'd found out it's crystal clear that MJ is innocent. Later on in the message...or it's a reply..i don't know for sure. They talk about June Chandler how she is very convincing with her testimony and how Michael lied way too much......uh..what? sigh...they even call the family from 93 victims...because their lives are destroyed.

Someone else said this...and to me it doesn't make any sense.

I was on Michael Jackson's side, but while reading the court transcripts I found something I did not expect to see: June Chandler under oath saying her son had not spoken to her for 10 YEARS. A son that loved her, and lived with her for 13-14 years of his life suddenly made her persona non grata. That was powerful testimony, and the smoking gun for me. I do not know how you justify that in your mind, but something about it does not sit well with my spirit.

Is this all the cause of the media who brainwashed everyone with is this? I don't like it one bit to still see so many people with such WRONG views on everything. Sorry if this is annoying..its not my intention to piss other fans of at all.

I scrolled down and saw several people posting facts there, i bet those are his true fans, which is GOOD! It's sad how fans always get pushed aside by people because as they say 'we are biased' , but we 'biased' fans know the facts, we use logic...unlike them. Sigh...

I also see lots of replies by people, but VERY LITTLE from the author himself, plenty of people show him cold hard facts, and he didn't reply to any of them...figures.
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I read it and it's the biggest bullshit ever, but great arguments for haters.

Most of these so-called psychologists, like to present these arguments:

“MJ was abuse by his father” (supposedly there's a chance that an abuser was abuse in his childhood, but this is definitely not 100% truth, like EVERY OTHER psychological theory).
“He loved children extremely much and loved sleeping with children”.
“How come he never had a "real girlfriend or relationship".

But now, this "psychologist" says some new bullshit:

“He prefers boys to girls, so he’s maybe kinda gay”.
“He’s kinda retarded” (paraphilias, he said, “are common in persons with problems in brain development”).
“His surgeries were made to make him appear like a boy or Peter Pan, the same way some men dress as women to arouse themselves” (can you believe this guy?).

Of course, this (bullshit) theory, “doesn’t prove anything”, he said, but he really, really believes it, and makes other idiots believe it.

This is how you realize that they based their “theories” by looking what the tabloids have to say about MJ, which it’s so different from what a “normal rock star” should behave (Bravo Elvis and the rest, you’re not weirdos).

It's just another "theory" based on tabloids. Gee, how clever is that.
I see what you mean, and now that i read it, i see that practically everything is bullshit. He never said he preferred anything, Michael never said he preferred to share his bed witn young boys. He said he saw nothing wrong with sharing your bed, a completely different story. At the end of the day THESE people are the sick minded fools that talk about him preferring anything. Notice how they NEVER talk about the sole reason of building Neverland, his ultimate goal and why he hung around children so much. He explained those reasons several time, and's the tabloids fault mostly. But let's not forget that people should have their own minds, they saw MJ explaining why he had Neverland, that he hated the worlds hate and bad things like broken families. Why can't these simpletons not see it ?

Your right, this so called....heh...psychiatrist is a prick, an opinion obviously based on nothing but nonsense.
i know now that there is no point arguing with pig headed idiots or giving them the true facts,because there just to pig headed to listen,they don,t want to listen they havn,t even got the iq to even want to find out the truth,i just tell myself now,you should really feel sorry for these people,because they have such a sad perthetic life,also they never got to know the wonderful man who is michael ,like we his fans did,
I'm no psychologist, but I have always had a great interest in psychology and I've studied human behaviour and what leads us to do what we do (basically as a hobby lol).

Here's the thing that gets me with these "psychologists". They try to analyse and understand a man they have never met, nor know a thing about. It's practically impossible to diagnose a person with illnesses (physical or mental) based on what you've seen on TV or what's been written about them in the media. Of course they can make some small observations, but sometimes they go too far with the assumptions and I've seen them reach some outrageous conclusions. Like preferring the company of your male friends over female friends suddenly means you're gay, and loving children and being vocal about it means you're a paedophile. It is WAY more complex than that and they know it.

I'm going to be slightly hypocritical and contradictory here and say that I wish these doctors would take some time to pick apart the behaviour and statements of Michael's accusers and their families before making assumptions on Michael's supposed guilt. They don't have a problem doing this with Michael, so they shouldn't have a problem doing it with someone else. I want them to analyse the claims of these accusers. What paedophile is going to kidnap a family and let them go out on shopping sprees using his credit cards? Better yet, what family, who has been held hostage, sexually abused, intoxicated and what not, gets released and yet RETURNS at their own free will?

I want them to analyse the behaviour of the DA. After all, falsifying evidence, getting everyone and their momma on the case, 70 officers raiding the home, trips overseas, interviewing literally hundreds of children to come out on the other side with nothing, and STILL not giving up does not appear to be the behaviour of a man who just wants justice for some poor molested child to me. In fact, I see someone who was obsessed, who would do anything, even planting evidence (fingerprints on the porn) to chuck this man (guilty or not) in jail just so he could be known as the guy who put Michael Jackson away. These are the questions I would love to ask some psychologists. If Michael Jackson's a paedophile, give me explanations for all of the above.
I was on Michael Jackson's side, but while reading the court transcripts I found something I did not expect to see: June Chandler under oath saying her son had not spoken to her for 10 YEARS. A son that loved her, and lived with her for 13-14 years of his life suddenly made her persona non grata. That was powerful testimony, and the smoking gun for me. I do not know how you justify that in your mind, but something about it does not sit well with my spirit.

Jordan didn't just not speak to June for more than 10 years but he didn't speak to his father either. It was his father who made him say he was molested. So if the fact Jordan emancipated himself from BOTH of his parents tells us something then it isn't that MJ was guilty of molesting him.....

Oh, and here is something to analyze for all those airmchair psychologists:

Also, will they please analyze this lawsuit, with demands like this:

"Because of the need to repair the reputation of the Plaintiff, Plaintiff seeks the equitable remedy of an order to allow him to publish and cause to be distributed to the public for sale a certain musical composition entitled “EVANstory.” This album will include such songs as: “D.A. Reprised”: “You Have No Defense (For My Love)”; “Duck Butter Blues”; “Truth”; and other songs."

Sounds just like what you would want as the father of a molested boy, doesn't it?
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