How big will the new album be?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
How big will the brand new album be? Obviously because MJ is no longer with us it will be promoted differently, and many of the songs will not be 100% complete the way MJ would have had them if he were here. Even so the album is going to be a big event, but just how big do you think it will be? How much will Sony promote it? Will it be as big as this is it? Would love to know your thoughts..
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It'll only be as big as the songs in it.

If it has really good songs, then it'll be a colossal hit.

If it's mediocre, it'll still be big because of all the hype being that it's a MJ album but it wont be groundbreaking.

We can only wait to find out....

I really hope that this album will blow every single album's of this year off the water.
The new album will kill almost all the artists, i can feel it, really huge, amazing tempos ..
i personally will buy more than 4 copies ..
How big will the album be?

The same size as a normal CD. :lol:
All I'm gonna say is...Sony have got some biggggg numbers to repeat this year. They aren't gonna notch this one. What I'd give to be in their sales meetings right now.

Expect a massive release. Expect number one all over the world.

Gonna leave a few folk scratching they head. Sales talk, new reports bullshit :D
I think it will be huge

I think the millions of people worldwide who felt that pang of regret when they heard that Michael Jackson has died, and wished they had not missed out on Invincible etc, will buy this album as a way of making themselves feel better about the whole sorry episode.

And of course we will buy it, and wrestle with the gut wrenching agony that is wanting to hear the music, and to continue to support our beloved Michael, but knowing all the while that he never gave us anything less than perfection, and that this is 'Out of his hands'
I hope they keep it short, maybe just 10 tracks rather than pad it out. And release each one of them with an animated video or something rather than the usual montage stuff. Something like Daft Punk did with a recent album.

Then they can sell a DVD with all the videos linked together.

And I'd love the cover to be one of the more recent photoshoots.

It's gonna be big, but the quality of the songs is everything really...
Neh, they don't. I know almost no one IRL that likes Michael. Just a few.
I can't wait to camp out the night of its release! :p

Getting ahead of the topic I know... :laugh:
Well, the fans will buy it, but for the others to buy it it will need promotion, and if it's released by Sony, I don't know what the promotion will be like.. *remembers what happenned with Invincible*...

I just hope it has great songs and that the album, like the artist, will get the deserved respect.