How Beyonce really sings?

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Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Newcastle Upon Tyne
I stumbled upon some interesting videos lately of Beyonce and Britney Spears singing live and how they really sound without the tracks layered on top of their vocals. This isn't a hate thread as I love both artists but I'm trying to tell if the videos are real or whether it's just some idiots messing around trying to make them sound bad. Even if they are real there's no denying Beyonce has an incredible voice, I think sometimes artists try to give their voices a rest when they sing live by using a backing track layered over the top of their live vocals to help boost them, I think they save their real voices for important performances. Anyway have a listen and see what you think....
Is this real??????? omg my ears! LOL
what was that? very disturbing..:toofunny:
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Oh dear.
Why is Britney singing like a duck all the time ?!
And I always thought Kelly Rowland has a MUCH better voice than Beyonce, but she was never able to show it "Destiny"s child".
ouuuuch my ears are nearly bleeding, I think they both suck anyways lol
i don't think it is real.i am not fan of her but she is not that bad that i can tell.
Britney's voice sounds like................. :shock:
Beyonce's voice still sound beautiful.
I don't think either are real. It's just fateful fans of another artist trying to make them sound bad. Unfortunately, most will fall for it.
Probably FAKE!!!!!!!!

But to add to the conversation in the video........the word they are looking for is Auto-Tune.............

I bet it does get used more often then what it gets credit for!!!!!!!!!!
Since these videos are known fakes, I don't see a need to keep them open simply to bash two artist for falsified imperfections.

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