How awful and tragic


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
i have got a friend but i dont see him that often. His mum is friends with my mum as well:yes: so he has being going out with a girl for a year and they were planning a wedding and more because they have a baby of only 2 months and unfortunately his girlfriend died at 4 oclock two mornings ago so, right now he is still in his flat but the girls parents have got the baby for the time being and now this is going to do him in forever now:sad: But my mum was going to go on holiday with his mumbut because of this she dont know if he will be ok on his own but my mum got to go for a break anyway:yes: So again, i dont see him that often but what the funny thing is that i added his gilfriend on facebook just before my mum got the phone call:eek:
That is awful, truly devastating for your friend and of course his family.

What makes it worse is that they were going to get married :(.

My condolences go to his and her families.
you must really be there for your friend now - no matter what that means. He must be devastated. This is going to be hard to cope with. He will need a lot of help also, he is lonely farther of a 2-month-old. If you can make him smile just for 2 sec. everyday - you will give this guy a fortune - remember that. let him talk if he want to talk, and let him be if he want to be - but remind him of the good and beautifull things in life and remind him the best gift of all: his beautifull child, that he got with the woman he wanted to spent the rest of his life with.
that is awful...very sad...try to be there for your friend he will need you...:hug: