How are you healing the world?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
"There are two ways of spreading light -- to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it."
-Edith Wharton
Tomorrow, I am going to make several changes and commit myself to reflecting Michael's light. I am going to do more volunteer work(starting tomorrow!), and I am going to make some changes within myself to be a better person.
I thought that in honor of his birthday, we could have a positive thread of how we have been inspired by Michael to change our lives and what we have done/are going to do to spread the light and the love and heal the world.

"Make that change."
Anyone? Am I the only one trying to heal the world? LOL
No, you are not alone. I started changing my life and attitude to people after Michael died. He made me rethink a lot of stuff in my life. We, people, are "designed" that way. We tend to get lost while pursuing our dreams and forget the important things, what it is all about - love, as he said. We tend to change only after such bad thing happens. But it is never too late. Because he is gone, but we are still here and it is up to us to change that man in the mirror and start thinking more for the others not only for ourselves. Even if he is gone he is still making the world a better place through us. That is why it is so good that we all decided to change something in our lives. Even if it is something small.

I just hope someday we will really see our world become a better place, with no wars, no pain and suffering.
I am planning on starting up a charity. Still planning things, seeing how to get it all together.

Hoping to get it up and running later in the year. More research to be done!
Follwing my dreams! You can't get anywhere if you fall off the wagon, yanno? You have to do it 110% or don't do it at all :)