How Are Criminal Investigations Run?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I hope some one can help me with questions I have regarding how a potential criminal investigation is run and/or reported to the public.

1) If an investigation is on-going does the MEDIA have the legal right to report sources (unconfirmed) about alleged new information about the case and/or the deceased without permission?

2) In an on-going investigation are people who may have been interviewed (i.e. family, friends, former employees, previous physicians, etc) of the deceased supposed to speak to the public? I understand them speaking to the police and federal agents; but are they supposed to conduct interviews on entertainment and/or infotainment shows?

3) In an on-going investigation can the true head of the investigation order an official CEASE and DESIST of speculation interneally regarding reports to the general public and/or media?

I appreciate any insight you can provide.
No one is suppose to speak with the public or media during an investigation. A judge must order that everything be sealed. A cop or lawyer may ask that people not go to the media. However only a judge has true power over them.
Thank you.

If what you say is the case (that only a judge) can shut down speculation and public appearances via a gag rule, I wish that I knew a way for the forum get a message to the Jackson family representatives to get a JUDGE to issue a GAG order immediately to keep the media (i.e. CNN) from reporting sources and the people who want air time from being on the air. It has truly gotten out of hand. I know the family is in mourning and this is probably not on their minds, but the memorial was so lovely and trust me people who are easily swayed and were unsure about Michael received the true perspective on who he was and what he meant to the world.

He is not just for Nielson ratings, he is a person and once again even in death some members of the media and people trying to get air time are attempting to smear him all over again and unfortunately he (Michael) is no longer here to defend himself.

I was simply wondering if anything could be done and if so, who had the power to do so.