Homework (Michael Related) - need some help.


Proud Member
Mar 23, 2009
Canterbury, England
Hey guys,

For my 'Citizenship' class I have to do a project. I'm supposed to choose a story and give both positive and negative sources from the media related to the topic. Being the person I am I chose the 2003 Trial, and would like some links to sources claming Michaels guilt and some for his innocence. My teacher has said that they must be reputable sources (not blogs or something like that).

I had looked at some of Diane Dimonds stories :rant: and also some comments made by Tom Sneddon. I don't remember 2003 so I'm not sure of what sites/sources/newspapers would be taking what side in the case. Just need some ideas to start me off :)

Thanks for the help :)
Hey! I had to do a huge project that took up my whole school year of Debate class. I would go to The Smoking Gun, they have all documents and also summaries so you can understand some of the law lingo. Hope that kind of helps