

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
They say that home is a place where one is always welcomed.. It is the center of acceptance and love* It is a place that accepts you for who you are.

We all create different homes in our lives.. homes even in people who we feel accepted and loved by.

Today, I consider myself homeless.... and It hurts like hell.

God.. How can things get so messed up? I don't understand. I really don't.

I don't want people to act like me or be like me. I don't consider myself to be "all that and a bag of chips." I just want what all people want in this life and that's to be accepted, respected, and loved.

Is that too much for me to ask for?

God knows I am not perfect. I'm sorry that I'm not ... but I didn't deserve what I got. I didn't deserve being insulted or disrespected for having a different viewpoint.

Maybe.. I should just go* :(

Yet, I am sad because I want to stay and work things out. That's all. I only wanted to make things better for everybody...

Yet, Nobody wants me... I guess that's my clue right there.

It's still very painful though.

God.. *Sigh I'm tired of all the loss...
Can I ask you what brought this on? Did something happen to you lately?? You can PM me if you want...I care about ya Tiff....I just sent you a PM....we'll talk there ok hun?
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You see, Tiff??? We ALL love you!! I want you to know that...whatever you're going through, we're here for you....if you ever want to talk about it..
Thank you all so much! This is definately the place I come to when I am hurting because of all of your love and support here. Linda, You are so sweet to me to care so much. I'll be fine... but I just had to let out my feelings in a place where I knew I would be understood and cared about.

Yes, I had a bad day today. :( It was horrible. I cried all afternoon because I felt so lost. Not to mention, My pain was acting up today so I could barely move. Something did happen to me today that I really don't feel like going into at the moment.. (Linda, I'll PM you hon) ,But Then.. I made a new friend and talked to them about the situation that hurt me. They made me feel better and stronger inside.. so I thank god for them coming into my life when I needed someone to listen and understand me.

I am sorry to worry you all so much. But, I am grateful and blessed to know that you are all there for me.

Thank you with all of my heart*
Tiffany :) Might I reccommend you the blog section on our main page :flowers: it's a great place to let things out like this. I find it great like therapy :lol:

and I hope things look up for you :flowers:
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Tiff, people CAN be very cruel, especially on the Internet where everyone is practically anonymous. Please, like LJ suggested, blog about it..It makes you feel better, gets it off your chest, and helps others realize just exactly HOW cruel they can be. I never take what others tell me on the Internet to heart. I used to....I used to feel the way you did...but then I realized just how big and cruel and heartless AND ANONYMOUS this Internet really is.

I feel so bad for you having pain like that too...I'm glad you can come on here and let us know about it. Any time you wanna vent, just vent. I do!! ALL THE TIME!!

Super extra double combo hugssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss.

Stay strong Tiffany. Stay strong.

We're all here for you.
I'm so sorry to read this :better:
Even though I don't know excactly what happened you brought tears to my eyes. No one should feel like you do.
It's great that you have now found friends who you can talk to and here's the place you know you'll never get rejected.

Lots og hugggs. You'll get through this! :huggy:
Thank you,L.J. and Linda ...and The One..

God.. *Shaking my head... I can't believe I'm back to square one again. I feel like air has been sucked out of me. God it hurts so damn much right now I can't even breathe.

this is where i've been tossed to.. like i don't even matter. like I'm worthless somehow..

i don't know.. i'm just gonna stop..

maybe everything....

cause i can't do this .
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Thank you,L.J. and Linda ...and The One..

God.. *Shaking my head... I can't believe I'm back to square one again. I feel like air has been sucked out of me. God it hurts so damn much right now I can't even breathe.

this is where i've been tossed to.. like i don't even matter. like I'm worthless somehow..

i don't know.. i'm just gonna stop..

maybe everything....

cause i can't do this .

No!! Don't say that Tiffany...you are a STRONG woman. A POWERFUL woman. You have made it through so much....keep the faith. I am including this in my message to you ok??


It just dawned on me...after my final tonight, let's gab. Girl Talk. We can talk about MJ's Gold Pants (I KNOW you love them as much as I do...LOL!!), the weather, how many pets I have (I have 2 hamsters, 2 guinea pigs, a rabbit and a fish), etc. I just want to get to know you better....I hope and pray you have a good day today, ok?? Take care...
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God.. I'm so sorry,Linda and Everyone. I don't know what I'm gonna do.. except not take myself or that place so seriously. They wanna make it their business to humiliate and degrade people, Let them do it. I'm taking the high road and going to people who really do care about me, even if I am a stranger to them. At least THEY have compassion for others. .. and They care about me.

Linda hon.. If I am online later, I'll go ahead and do that. I would enjoy that chat very much so!

I'm not gonna leave being online again just because some people in this world take themselves and their job way too seriously.
^^ You are so right Tiffany....some people are way too serious about themselves. Cheer up and we'll chat later...I have to study now...wish me luck!!

Anytime you are feeling low, just PM me...we can talk about it ok hon?