Home Foreclosures on Ed McMahon,Evander Hollyfield


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
East New York ,Brooklyn N.Y,USA
I'm complaining about this. And You can switch this to another Forum .
It seems that When Michael Jackson was about to lose his Neverland Valley Ranch to The Mortgage Companies,The Media just couldn't stop talking about it, it was like They really wanted Michael to lose everything he owns so they can splash it all over the tabs and laugh in the meantime,Now that Ed McMahon,The Pitch man for many commercials and Ex-Announcer for Johnny Carson,Is in A House Foreclosure worth over $644,000 in payments,Close to $ 5mil ,The Manson is worth alot of cash, ED said that He fell and hurt his neck and there hasn't been many jobs for him to do.The last I saw him,he was doing a New York Lottery Commercial and There's always endorsements for Senior Citizen bathtubs and Life Insurance. Anyway, You would think that everytime a commercial that Ed is in circulated on many networks for years,you would think he gets paid .Hmm,It makes you think who gets the money. My beef is that now Donald Trump and others are coming to his aid. If He and Michael Jackson are suppose to be good friends,Why didn't he come to his aid as well ? Instead, It was rumored that People who own a Hotel Casino in Las Vegas, Helped save Neverland from foreclosure So that Michael can do them a favor and do a couple of shows for them ,Did The Donald distance himself from Michael because of the trial ? and even though Michael won,Is Donald still thinking quitely to himself that Michael is still acused of Being a Child molester ?People are still distancing themselves from Michael but I see a few are slowly coming around to invite him to parties and doing Duets and Things . Rumormills. Ugh .:doh:
Boxer Evander Hollyfield 's Manson is in foreclosure as well. He just doesn't have any luck at all.He doesn't have any new ventures coming up and he's always looking for fights to box, Who will come to his aid ? I mean all the People who were rich years ago who decided to Continuely Mortgage their homes because they really couldn't afford them in the first place are now falling into Mortgage forclosures. I would only wish,If people can afford it, that some people including Michael would own their homes so they wouldn't have to be faced with this. It's bad enough that People have to deal with Tornados and Hurricanes and Mudslides and Massive Brushfires even Cyclones ,Earthquakes ect.... But The way things are with the economy due to rising Oil and Gas Prices,People are not surviving to well due to the rise in Food prices and Prices on use of utilities.Jobs are being lost. Car production in SUVs have suddenly stopped due to the Price at the pump.Travel is costly on all types of Vechicles,Be it Cars, Suv's,Plane,Train,Boat,Helicopter,Motorcycle, even those little scooters.Could surfboads be next ?
Well, I just hope that the Next President would take the time and hear the Cries of his Country and get starting working on a Solution. War Sucks and it is unjust now but it seems that everytime there is something happening near the Oilfields in Kuwait and other places ,Our People in Washington DC shiver and say lets raise the price of Oil in fear that there will be no shipment of Oil to our country making it hard for Home and Business owners to purchase.If we as a country would tap into our own parts of the country that hasn't been touched for oil,You know our own resources Like a man who found oil in his backyard in Indiana , we would have enough for people to survive on and Food prices,Clothes prices,Jobs Home foreclosures would all be solved.Time is of the essence.:timer:

Pray that we all can survive this.:angel:
well Ed is 85 years old, can't work due to a fall, and he only owes 644,000 dollars to get caught up. Mike, on the other hand is 49, able to work, able to perform and he owed 25 million dollars. That's probably why folks didn't come to his aid, especially since Mike is capable of working.
Your ramblings make very little sense. Michael is co owner of a music publishing which is the 3rd biggest in the world, worh more that 3 billion dollars. HE IS NOT POOR. he pays the wages of many popstars in the music business, including Paul Mc Cartney. yOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT HIS BUSiness dealings so what is your point in making this argument. MJ has now refinanced and it is confidential.
I'm complaining about this. And You can switch this to another Forum .
It seems that When Michael Jackson was about to lose his Neverland Valley Ranch to The Mortgage Companies,The Media just couldn't stop talking about it, it was like They really wanted Michael to lose everything he owns so they can splash it all over the tabs and laugh in the meantime,Now that Ed McMahon,The Pitch man for many commercials and Ex-Announcer for Johnny Carson,Is in A House Foreclosure worth over $644,000 in payments,Close to $ 5mil ,The Manson is worth alot of cash, ED said that He fell and hurt his neck and there hasn't been many jobs for him to do.The last I saw him,he was doing a New York Lottery Commercial and There's always endorsements for Senior Citizen bathtubs and Life Insurance. Anyway, You would think that everytime a commercial that Ed is in circulated on many networks for years,you would think he gets paid .Hmm,It makes you think who gets the money. My beef is that now Donald Trump and others are coming to his aid. If He and Michael Jackson are suppose to be good friends,Why didn't he come to his aid as well ? Instead, It was rumored that People who own a Hotel Casino in Las Vegas, Helped save Neverland from foreclosure So that Michael can do them a favor and do a couple of shows for them ,Did The Donald distance himself from Michael because of the trial ? and even though Michael won,Is Donald still thinking quitely to himself that Michael is still acused of Being a Child molester ?People are still distancing themselves from Michael but I see a few are slowly coming around to invite him to parties and doing Duets and Things . Rumormills. Ugh .:doh:
Boxer Evander Hollyfield 's Manson is in foreclosure as well. He just doesn't have any luck at all.He doesn't have any new ventures coming up and he's always looking for fights to box, Who will come to his aid ? I mean all the People who were rich years ago who decided to Continuely Mortgage their homes because they really couldn't afford them in the first place are now falling into Mortgage forclosures. I would only wish,If people can afford it, that some people including Michael would own their homes so they wouldn't have to be faced with this. It's bad enough that People have to deal with Tornados and Hurricanes and Mudslides and Massive Brushfires even Cyclones ,Earthquakes ect.... But The way things are with the economy due to rising Oil and Gas Prices,People are not surviving to well due to the rise in Food prices and Prices on use of utilities.Jobs are being lost. Car production in SUVs have suddenly stopped due to the Price at the pump.Travel is costly on all types of Vechicles,Be it Cars, Suv's,Plane,Train,Boat,Helicopter,Motorcycle, even those little scooters.Could surfboads be next ?
Well, I just hope that the Next President would take the time and hear the Cries of his Country and get starting working on a Solution. War Sucks and it is unjust now but it seems that everytime there is something happening near the Oilfields in Kuwait and other places ,Our People in Washington DC shiver and say lets raise the price of Oil in fear that there will be no shipment of Oil to our country making it hard for Home and Business owners to purchase.If we as a country would tap into our own parts of the country that hasn't been touched for oil,You know our own resources Like a man who found oil in his backyard in Indiana , we would have enough for people to survive on and Food prices,Clothes prices,Jobs Home foreclosures would all be solved.Time is of the essence.:timer:

Pray that we all can survive this.:angel:

This is Really good topic to discuss:) This makes alot of sense!
This is Really good topic to discuss:) This makes alot of sense!

Thanks JJTHOMAS,It just makes me sore that What The Media does to Michael is not all the same to others who are in his postion of wealth.I do feel sorry for these people including the people who are not wealthy who were duped by the Mortgage lenders of the states where these people live. Datsmay says I'm rambling, that Michael is not poor along with all the other stuff.I know he's not poor,I know he gets paid everytime a song plays on the radio or in TV or in a Moviesoundtrack or used in a play or in a Mega Concert,ect.. and The point about Michael pays all The Music artist wages in the Music Business is so wrong,It's the other way around, They pay him .They ask him and others who own the catalogs can they use the songs to record or to be used for their projects. There is a certain amount to be paid for use of the songs, A little birdie who is in the Business told me that And I'm a Musician also . Yes, I know this much . I didn't say he was Poor at all .I didn't write anything like that and maybe I do know about his business dealings to a point,It splashed all over the net but I choose not involve myself in that because that Michael's and his lawyer's business and he was caught up in this mess with The Mortgage crisis as well as the others,Papers were shown on the net, eventhough it's none of my business but it shows everything from when the loan was taken out and when it was paid and even though The Mortgage is all paid up this time or his home is saved from foreclosure due to outside forces, So it was told ,It depends on the contract he agreed upon.

I'm not getting into his business,I don't want to, I'm not his wife but I believe if you make a bill ,you must pay it. My point is how the media portrays Michael as a loser everytime it has to do with his property or Privacy and How the media treats the other people differently who were in his situation .It's ashame that things are always a double standard when it comes to Michael and others.
My home is not in forclosure. My Mortgage was paid up along time ago,Thank God but I feel sorry for people who are in that postion,They lived in their homes for many years, Did renovations Ect.. and then all of a sudden, The Mortgage rates go up The interest go up and people can't make the payments. People losing their jobs Ect... like I've written before. All I hope for is that The problem with The Mortgage crisis be solved so people can continue to live in their homes. If they can afford to pay off their Mortgages , they can own their homes so they wouldn't have to worry about anything. I just heard that Oil is $135 a barrel, therefore they are saying that we are all going into a recession or we are on the verge of one.I'm just worried for myself and others on how we all can afford to Travel,Purchase Food,Put Clothing on our backs,Light our rooms,Cook food and Heat our Homes and Pay all of our bills.:angel:
No the artist do not pay Michael. Michael pays the artists. Ask Paul Mc Cartney about it. Why did he go to MJ and ask for more money. To say the artists pay Michael is like saying the the J5 payed Berry Gordy.
For your information, all the artist owns is their talent. That talent cannot pay their bills. They need to sell the talent. When a record label employs them, they work for that label. They sign a contract with that label. The record label pays them
MJ is one part of the record label. The part that distributes the product and collect royalties. It is Sony/Atv that will pay the singers royalties. Not the singers payng them. Where would the artist get the money from to pay anybody.
MJ is the boss for many of the artist that you see on tv. That is why they give him much respect.
And another thing. It is misguided to put MJ in the same category as those others you mentioned who cannot pay their bills. Those people couldn't pay because they had no jobs.
MJ on the other hand didn't pay because he was renegotioating a better deal. There is a difference.