Holy crap, this dude does a amazing MJ voice impression!!!

Jan 17, 2004
So i was just checking out youtube for some impressions of celebs and then i thought..let's search for MJ, and this is what i found, some very impressive ones there.

I've seen better ones ;)

But he's trying and it doesnt sond too bad.
naaa. people might accuse me of being a fanboy, but that has nothing to do with it. believe me, i'm objective on this. i don't download free stuff if i don't like it, and if i like it enough to download it, it has MJ quality to it, and i would buy it. and i don't listen to music much, anymore, so i really need to be hit over the head with something to pay attention to it. they are appreciated for tributing MJ, but they don't sound anything like him. i don't even care to go into explaining why they don't sound like him, to me.
nice job!! :yes: and funny!! LOL!! of course there is only ONE MJ, but the guy did a nice job!

"Hello! I'm Michael Jackson. You wanna hear me sing Man In The Mirror, right?" :lol: