Holographic Michael Jackson Concert (would you go)


Proud Member
Jun 6, 2012
After seeing Tupac brought back to life with a "holographic" style video during a live concert in which they mixed his dances up seamlessly to make a whole new dance or a least an old dance in a new sequence. What ever they did it worked!
I thought, Why not Michael?! Why not have him as a Hologram doing shows again. I am talking his full shows and then some. Since it wold go technical with the hologram then the show should reflect that. I would like to see a live band if not the band for "This Is It" then at least a really band that play his music the way it was written and they can use me for drums! ;)
If it was put together anything like the Tuepac show was it would be amazing and I know, they would put everything into it and it would probably be the best live show from a deceased performer ever! If the prices were affordable I think it would revive concerts as a whole and bring in a whole new generation who are just starting to find MJ.

Anywho, I would Love to go to a concert like that! Would you?

Oh here is the video with Holographic Tupac. It has vulgar language!
It depends. If it's done well I would go. Where they would take the footage for the hologram? I don't really undestand how they made that holographic Tupac. Is that video they used for hologram from his old performance or is someone else doing motion capture for it?
Hell to the no. I find it extremely disrespectful. He's not here anymore, and a hologram doesn't change that,it just makes that unfortunate fact even more prominent.
Hell to the no. I find it extremely disrespectful. He's not here anymore, and a hologram doesn't change that,it just makes that unfortunate fact even more prominent.

:bow: I couldn't have said it better :agree:

I mean I like techno stuff... Robots and comps and all but this is 'over the top' for me... Sowwy :ermm:

It's like saying 'oh well, it doesn't matter the REAL man was 'murdered' 3 years ago... Let's just 'cash in' with a Hologram... FEELS like squeezing the 'decayed' lemon for more juice :beee:
Shhhhh! Michael is sleeping, let him sleep and rest.
yes, I would...if it is a quality production, Michael would have loved it because it would be an innovation, new technology, breaking records:)
It depends. If it's done well I would go. Where they would take the footage for the hologram? I don't really undestand how they made that holographic Tupac. Is that video they used for hologram from his old performance or is someone else doing motion capture for it?

Someones behind the screen doing motion capture. You'd need a dancer who would be able to move just like Michael. Or else it'll look like a cheap imitation.

With that said, if they found someone able to duplicate Michael's style of dance to a tee, then yes. But we all know there isn't really anyone like that, they're either perfect but kick with the wrong leg, or they aren't as energetic as Michael was. I don't know, it's a toss up.
I don't know. I can see your point a little. Only in that it could be used wrong. This is not meant to say that the real life MJ can be replaced or that we are trying to bring him back from the dead. It is nothing more then a video that you can have a live band with. It is not waking the dead or to capitalize on his death.

Heck, I think MJ himself would embrace it. He loved technology mixed with his concerts. You know, I would think it would be more of a negative emotion to see an impersonator as they are copying and usually for money too. You know, for people who have never been able to see MJ in concert but have been fans for a long time this would be a cool opportunity. I would LOVE to have the opportunity to see him perform, even as a holographic image. It surly would not replace him and could NEVER be as good as it is still just a recording.

I am not a Tupac fan at all but even I was Wowed by his appearance! It looked great and was well done and by the way it was done out of love.
How they did it is actually very old technology. They have been using it since silent movies to make ghosts, twins and backgrounds etc. This was just one of the rare moments that it was used live and more so it was mixed with modern editing which is how they got Tupac to do some of the new moves. They just used past performances (body) and put the moves together. That way it was always Tupac you saw and everything looked legit. There is more then enough footage to put together a whole show with MJ. I for one would fully embrace it as long as it was done tastefully! I mean, really what is any different then say MJ The Experience video game! It has as digital MJ dancing to his music. Just that is it on the TV screen. Should people not buy the game OR any other MJ games they make because he was murdered?

I have listened to probably every MJ interview there is and in them I heard all about how much MJ loves performance and how much he loves technology. I think if this was done and had the watchful eyes of his family and estate. You know what I would like to see? This Is It! That was going to be filled with on stage technical breakthroughs. Why not use this? Most of the footage is already there to make the hologram with. What isn't there can be added from the thousands of other performances. Heck, to make it not about money, they could donate half of all proceeds to Heal The World!

As for the feeling that all it does is reminds us that he is not here and has been murdered; Well, anything can do that. Posters, pictures, video, especially the This Is It movie coming out so soon after his death, video games and so on. Again bringing up impersonators who are pretending to be MJ. That does not bring the same emotion? I think that is more of a personal grief thing.

I personally find it sadder to let anything be suppressed and shut down that would bring MJ and his great performance to the next generation. For me it would have to do with how it was done.

If it was tasteful and done with love and respect I would be all in for that.
definitely not..imo...these holograms are like raising the dead to me it is scary...and I wouldn't want to see Michael's hologram on that stage..what is the need for it? Its not like money needs to be generated by something like this..as we know money is generated by the estate in other ways. Why use a hologram its not necessary..and I don't want to see it.
if they based it on his OLD VIDEOS, on actual videos of HIM, then maybe, but not if they base it off an impersonator... I wouldn't think it's bad if they totally animated his moves.

Stuff like the Experience Games look like they're either animated or based off an impersonator.
If the tickets were reasonably priced, the whole This Is It crew was involved, and Unbreakable was the opening number, then yes.
definitely not..imo...these holograms are like raising the dead to me it is scary...and I wouldn't want to see Michael's hologram on that stage..what is the need for it? Its not like money needs to be generated by something like this..as we know money is generated by the estate in other ways. Why use a hologram its not necessary..and I don't want to see it.

Sorry for the long posts. I just feel strongly about it because it is not about raising the dead or exploiting and especially not about being disrespectful, especially if the video is nothing more then something he was a show that he was going to do anyways.

It is just a video with a clear screen. I mean, would people feel the same way if i took say, the Billie Jean video and cropped out the back ground and then projected it on glass so all there was is MJ and his music. Now what if I just played the music live and left the video of MJ and his voice singing to his songs that the live band was playing?

What if it brought a whole new generation to fall in love with MJ and his music? Would that be disrespectful? Or provoke feelings of raising the dead? What would be so bad about it? I just don't understand.

As a musician who has been on the stage since 1989 I would embrace any technology that would continue what I had started. Especially if I was in the middle of a project and something happened to me. I already have fought to continue to perform after loosing my leg, back muscle and having my hip held together with 28 screws. It is the "show must go on" mentality. I love performing and being on stage. MJ loved that too. And I truly think he would have loved to see at least "This Is It" finished using whatever technology that would do it justice and bring the feeling and performance that he was trying to share with us.

I don't understand what it has to do with "letting him go" First off, just listening to his music or watching videos and buying new releases or any tribute or RIP stuff or going and watching impersonators is not "letting him go".
Even though people say that "hologram" is disrespectful no one has said what is disrespectful about it. Again, it is not REALLY a hologram and is not 3d. And everything that I have seen and heard from MJ seams like he would be in full support of it if it was done with care and respect for how he wanted his shows done.

It is not "bringing him back to life" as the media so likes to refer to the Tupac performance. It is nothing more then a video with a clear screen. Heck, didn't I hear someplace that the Jackson 5 is planning on using this to have an appearance of MJ during their tour. Adding him in possibly next year or sooner? What would you rather have, an clear screen video (so you can see all the great stage settings that MJ planned for the "This Is It" tour or altering video for a clear screen video to be used on a Jackson 5 reunion tour. I didn't think MJ ever really wanted to do a reunion tour with the Jackson 5. So, I think he would have been against that and I can see how that is disrespectful. But, I can't see it with MJ's own projects unless you were going to try to change what he wanted and with "This Is It" we all know what and how he wanted it. We all saw him directing it right there on the Theater or TV screen.

Again, it was just a video that we all watched! How is that not "bringing him back from the dead" or not "letting him sleep". And if we turn our backs on technology, even technology as extremely old as this on is that could very well finish the project that MJ was working on when his life was so wrongly taken at the hands of someone he trusted isn't that saying to that horrible man that he "won" so to say. That MJ was never to finish his project. So wouldn't that be a big slap in Conrad Murray's face. A show to him that you may have killed his body but his music and spirit lives on.
I don't know. i hope y'all don't think i am coming at this with a disrespectful heart. Or that I am one of those that just can't bare the thought that he is gone so I want to do anything that will make me feel like he is still here and so on. That is not it at all. I just love entertainment and so did MJ and I am always going to be for things that will help that part of it to continue and to bring it to a new generation.

Please in this discussion keep in mind that "hologram" technology does not fully exist yet and they have just given that name to a projection method developed in the 1800's. So we are really talking about nothing more then a video. We all watch them are seem to be fine with them as long as we can see the background that was recorded with it and not the background that is actually, currently there. I don't get how that is any different.

Again, I am very sorry for the long posts. I thought people would be more for this then they are and I don't understand why anyone would not want to see more MJ with a real live band backing the video. Nor do I understand at all what is disrespectful about a clear background video vs a regular background video except for how it is being used and in that case they can both be very disrespectful.
I am posting this with full LOVE and mean no harm by any of it.
I dig what you're getting at - presenting and "preserving" MJ for the generations to come. And I kind of agree with that, if it would be a high quality show. But I don't see how they could, with the technology they have now, replicate Michael's complex dance moves.
And another thing - I don't see much of a difference, in terms of it being disrespectful, between this and shows like Thriller Live (which most of us have seen) or The Immortal World Tour or whatever else there is out there.
(Even Michael brought certain deceased actors "back to life" in the This is it Smooth Criminal sequence)
(Even Michael brought certain deceased actors "back to life" in the This is it Smooth Criminal sequence)

Very good point! So that shows he was not against the technology to do that. He used that in what he was going to do for Smooth Criminal on This Is It as well.

The move would not have to be replicated as they would be his own moves and him dancing. Just put together from other performances. According to my knowledge that is what they did with Tupac. It is all him doing everything. I think that if given to the right hands they would do it right. I say use it to finish a project that MJ really wanted to finish, do a world tour with it so that people can get that experience and bring their kids to see it. And then, as MJ said, "This Is It! The final curtain call" That is what he wanted to do so, why not do it! The show was ready and I am sure it would take very little to convince all the dancers and musicians to come back and finish it. I think that would be a great tribute and honor to MJ and I think that is a very healthy way of looking at it.
And for people who are having issues with closure maybe this would help them with that too.
I would go..I don't really see it as disrespectful or anything..To me this whole holographic thing is just more of a futuristic form of entertainment..I also don't see it as a pure money grab (maybe it could be used to raise money for a charity?), I see it as using the technology we have available to even further celebrate his legacy..But having said all that, I still understand why some would find it weird or not right though, I think it's probably too soon for something like this to happen with Michael..
It depends. If it's from michael's old performance and done with respect and taste, I wouldn't mind. But don't abuse it, as Michael said less is more. I actually expect to see some Michael's holograms in cirque's immortal tour, later learned they may use them in permanent show.
I would if it was based off of old performances (it would be the closest thing for me to seeing him live), but not an impersonator and maybe not a whole show that way. I'd sooner just watch a DVD of one of the concerts.
It's just different way to experience Michael. Why would it be more offensive or disrespectful than seeing MJ in cinema or TV? Of course, that is if they base the hologram of Michael's filmed performances (like a one angle film from the front of stage filming MJ in Bad tour) meaning it IS Michael, not basing it on some impersonator. And if it's a quality work and done well, I'd give it a try, why not :)
Some people :banghead:
so conservative.

Let me guess how you react, when one day reall holograms comes in every household: "omg, they brought deads back".
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I strongly agree with AmpTrooper and MJJLatvia.

it would be nice to see him like that. for me it's the same as for ex having a 3d film, its nothing more than a projection..
I don't see it as disrespectful, just pointless. I don't see MJ fans buying tickets to see a computer image of MJ. It's not him, no matter how perfect it looks. He's gone.
I don't see it as disrespectful, just pointless. I don't see MJ fans buying tickets to see a computer image of MJ. It's not him, no matter how perfect it looks. He's gone.

Well again, it is not a computer image of him really. It is edited just like ANY other video by a computer but, ALL the images that are used to complete the projector video (cuz that is all it is! Just a regular film projector that uses a clear screen that is made up of like 4 different types of filaments in order for the image to be shown clearly)
are all real video shots of Michael. Now, if they can't find any video or still pictures to fill in a spot they can use digital tech to fill it in. But 90% or more that you see is going to be actual footage. So, it is not like a CGI or animated movie. Just a projector playing a video with live music and actual recordings of MJ singing. No impersonators or anything. Now if they wanted too, they could do a full CGI animated thing. You can do that with anything and any one. The technology we are talking about here has been around since the 1890's snd they have been doing stuff like that for over 100 years. Magicians use to use it to make like they conjured up something or to make things disappear. So, the things you can do with it are only limited by your own imagination.
As for being "pointless". Well, it is no more pointless then the Bad 25 video release! And from what I have seen, most people are excited about it. What if they released it to theaters? Would you not go because that would be the same deal? A projector playing a computer edited image of MJ. Isn't that not letting him go and trying to bring back the dead and so on? I don't see a difference at all except for the color of the screen and having a live band or not. Would rather have a live band!!

The thing that gets me is that it seems (I could be very wrong on this) but, it seems that some of y'all are saying that a REAL MJ fan would not support or like this idea. I don't see how people could not like it. To see a full stage live band jamming out the greatest music ever made and a life size video of our favorite performer ever would be amazing and fun and a great way to share MJ with the next (more digital and video based) generation. If we don't do things to get the next gen. into MJ then, we are it, his legacy will end with us. So, I for one embrace it and I honestly think Michael himself would think it was super cool. He has used similar tech and ideas in his own performances. So, we know that he didn't disagree with it.
Anywho, I think if they actually made this and sold tickets that it would be sold out with in days!
Wanting to see new MJ video, performances, pictures, songs and so on does not make you less of a true Michael Jackson fan then someone else. We all have our own Micheal Jackson journey and a story of how he has touched our lives and as long as we each have that, well then, we are his biggest fan!

Sorry again for the long post. ;) I truly do mean well. I know my lack of emoticons can make it seem like I am talking in a forceful or cocky way. I really am not and don't mean for it to come across that way so if it does please forgive me. I mean this stuff with full care and love. We are all here because we are true fans.
Tupac may have had a dirty mouth but if you look at his lyrics to many of his songs you'll find out that he is not a rapper, he's a poet.
Honestly, I would. I think it would be pretty neat. BUT I would only see it if they stay true to Michael and his genius. Don't mess with him. But I do think it would be pretty cool. Why not? :)

1.) No improvisation. It made every performance unique.
2.) Seen Michael live? Hologram won't compare.
3.) Bring up sad memories thinking about 2nd Leg of Dangerous Tour, One Night Only, Invincible Tour, This Is It. Michael should be there and not a hologram.
4.) There's a ton of recorded live performances of Michael. Release them in HD first.
5.) The price tag they'll slap on this will be beyond a joke. It usually is.