Holograms for This Is It?


Proud Member
Aug 16, 2011
This may have already been posted, but a friend sent me this youtube link about Celine Dion using Holograms in her act and using the Hologram of Elvis Presley. Although I'm not an Elvis fan....Michael Jackson...100%, I was wondering if this is what MJ might be using in his concerts. I found it impressive and really interesting. I just wish she had performed this with the true King of Pop and the greatest performer of all time....our Michael Jackson.

Celine Dion in front of a LIVE studio audience. This is absolutely unbelievable how they have done this. It really - really does look for all the world that Elvis is actually standing there live on stage singing along side Celine Dion in front of the live American Idol audience. Watch and listen to the audience going berserk, as they themselves think they are actually seeing Elvis right there in front of them.
A truly amazing use of modern day technology brings Elvis Presley back to life in front of your own eye's.

I think it's amazing too. Wouldn't it be something if today's MJ sang while the MJ from Dangerous Danced along with the MJ from the Bad Tour. So much can be done with this. Technology is really something these days.
they didnt project anything that part of american idol was pre recorded and the audience was in on it so when celine was on stage she was just on stage with an impersonator a few days before the actual live show... so then special effects people just mapped elvis from the 68 special thing to replace the impersonter.. the audience couldnt see elvis only tv audience could when it was broadcast on tv.. its wasnt live
they didnt project anything that part of american idol was pre recorded and the audience was in on it so when celine was on stage she was just on stage with an impersonator a few days before the actual live show... so then special effects people just mapped elvis from the 68 special thing to replace the impersonter.. the audience couldnt see elvis only tv audience could when it was broadcast on tv.. its wasnt live

oh...well that sukcs lol
so theres no point in mike doing it unless hes doing it 4 a dvd,cuz we will just see a body double then
they didnt project anything that part of american idol was pre recorded and the audience was in on it so when celine was on stage she was just on stage with an impersonator a few days before the actual live show... so then special effects people just mapped elvis from the 68 special thing to replace the impersonter.. the audience couldnt see elvis only tv audience could when it was broadcast on tv.. its wasnt live
this has nothing to do with holograms at all...
this technology was old back in the 80s.

please edit the title!
Damn! What a shame :no: How amazing would it be if you could do it live in front of an audience? Imagine MJ doing a duet with his younger self during "I'll be there" like in the Pepsi commercial? That would have been so great!
well it wud still be cool,if lil mike was on hologram like the gorillas show above,and do a duet that way
I would got 100% bonkers if they did an hologram of young MJ and they both sang I'll Be There like what they created on the pepsi commercial.
Still to this day that is my favourite advert ever!
This is how they really did it for American Idol. Its a body double on stage with Celine and the footage of Elvis is edited in.
I think they did a good job.

But I see no reason why MJ would wanna do this. - Hope he doesn't.
I think they did a good job.

But I see no reason why MJ would wanna do this. - Hope he doesn't.

Well not with Elvis :lol: but it would be great for the "I'll be there" duet. Imagine little 11 year old Michael coming out and singing "I'll be there" while 50 year old MJ is sitting at piano singing along - just like in the pepsi commercial. I think it would be amazing.
The way this was done would not work for a live show that MJ is doing. There was a body double on stage which means everyone in the audience can see its not Elvis, Young Michael etc. It would only work if it was for DVD. Plus I dont see Michael doing this now that its been done to a large audience like AI.
This is how they really did it for American Idol. Its a body double on stage with Celine and the footage of Elvis is edited in.

The way this was done would not work for a live show that MJ is doing. There was a body double on stage which means everyone in the audience can see its not Elvis, Young Michael etc. It would only work if it was for DVD. Plus I dont see Michael doing this now that its been done to a large audience like AI.

Yeah but I'm pretty sure that live there wasn't the body double on the actual stage. Even though a body double was used to create it I'm pretty sure that it was still projected. Even if they get a body double or whatever it still would have been projected. It would have just been shot earlier
^^ No in the video you quoted it is explained that there is a body double on stage with Celine. The makers of this illusion discuss how the on stage body double doesnt always match what Elvis is doing on the video and that Elvis' height was different to that of the body doubles.

So this wouldnt work for a concert event as everyone would see the fake young Michael on stage. It would only work for the DVD when they work their magic for video.
Michael Jackson on stage featuring James Brown.

Just like Gorrilaz with Madonna. Epic.

Here is another example using racing driver Lewis Hamilton, it shows it can be done live on stage, give this new technology some time to develope and we could well be seeing MJ singing with his younger self or MJ performing Billie Jean with the Motown 25 MJ dacing next to him!! And maybe just maybe one day we could all go to a full re-creation of the BAD tour live on stage.......wow now i'm dreaming, but u never know!!!!!