Hollywood Tonight, 100% Michael?

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Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Hi Guys, I know Hollywood Tonight is not a Cascio track. But am I the only one who doesn't feel like it's Michael singing?

On the other hand, when I hear Keep Your Head Up, that sounds 100% like Michael. Am I wrong?

It's just cause his vocals are processed, but it's got that rawness and funk, that coolness, that killer sound of michael jackson, no matter how much processing/autotune etc is used.
It is 100% Michael Jackson on lead vocals. The way he breaths, the way he pronounces certain words... There's no doubt.

Listen to the line "she's giving hot tricks to me just to get in" if you think this might not be Mike.

People can doubt Cascio tracks, but I don't see the point on clearly legitimate tracks like BOJ and HT.

It's strange you think KYHU - with that strange vibrato - is more like him than HT.
Thanks guys, I appreciate the affirmation. It's really frustrating all this controversy stuff. If Hollywood Tonight is legit, more and more I'm starting to think the album is 100% Michael.
I must admit, when I first played the album and didn't know which were the Cascio tracks. I doubted HT whereas I thought KYHU was legit.
I think it's definitely Michael on this one but the vocal quality is not the best. This is my only reservation about this song being released as a single especially in comparison to the voice quality on Best of Joy, Much Too Soon or Behind the Mask.
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I think it's definitely Michael on this one but the vocal quality is not the best. This is my only reservation about this song being released as a single especially in comparison to the voice quality on Best of Joy, Much Too Soon or Behind the Music

Behind The Mask ;)
I feel it's him and I know the beatboxing is Michael. It reminds me of Who is It. I do not know how much of the songs were touched. I do not get the process that goes into all of that.
If people are questioning Hollywood Tonight we might aswell chuck a few others in, Jam, You Rock My World, Morphine to see if there Michael, lol, not being sarcastic, but if you can't here 100% Michael on Hollywood Tonight then you might aswell question all tracks!!
I just want to say, you guys are 100% right, after listening to the track, Hollywood Tonight is definitely Michael. I'm not sure why I questioned it at first.

This whole controversy is extremely frustrating to all his fans.
IMO the majority of the vocals on both songs HT & KYHU are Michael's. For KYHU, I'd say it's 85% MJ, with someone else brought in to help complete the rest of the song.

Can't say that for Breaking News though...and Monster IMO is just a monster mess
and I dont hear Michael in Best of Joy :blink: ... Not trying to disrespect but there's already a HT Thread and to start a new one that will only be closed/locked is useless... :)


me tooo!!! Best of Joy is the only track on the album which doesn't feel like Michael to me, from a vocal point obviously.
I'm sorry, but i'm seeing people doubt Hollywood Tonight but think Keep Your Head Up is 100% real?

I know we have to respect each others opinions but my god...

Keep Your Head Up is CLEARLY questionable while Hollywood Tonight is just....not.
I'm sorry, but i'm seeing people doubt Hollywood Tonight but think Keep Your Head Up is 100% real?

I know we have to respect each others opinions but my god...

Keep Your Head Up is CLEARLY questionable while Hollywood Tonight is just....not.

I know... crazy, isn't it??
Best Of Joy has that This Is It voice, you know it's Michael but aged like fine wine.

Its Mike. and HT is mike as well!
Ok the person that started this thread got his answers. The normal course of this thread would be to fade out and disappear within a day or two. However, some believers (of the Cascio tracks) will see this as an opportunity to use this thread in favour of the Cascio tracks by "hitting" the credibility of us non-believers (truth is almost noone believes HT is not MJ, including of course myself-never had the slightest doubt) and by saying phrases like "KYHU sounds much more like MJ than HT or BOJ or MTS or etc etc" and stuff like that.

Therefore, for the reasons just stated above, I kindly request this thread to be closed. There has not been controversy issues regarding the 7 non-Cascio tracks of the album (at least not to the proportions of the Cascio tracks-more than half fan-base) and that's why there is no need for a debate on these songs. Besides, if there was such need, Gaz would have created this thread just as he did with the Cascio tracks.
If people are questioning Hollywood Tonight we might aswell chuck a few others in, Jam, You Rock My World, Morphine to see if there Michael, lol, not being sarcastic, but if you can't here 100% Michael on Hollywood Tonight then you might aswell question all tracks!!

But what can we do, NO OFFENSE but some people are just tone deaf
is not a derogatory term but reality
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