Hollywood still bias against Michael Jackson?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Yorba Linda, CA
Hollywood still bias against Michael Jackson?
Sunday, May 23, 2010 at 12:35PM

Downtown Hollywood with all the hustle and bustle, and the hundreds of thousands of tourist and residents. Just East of Beverly Hills, on an average Saturday night, in the city of celebrities and young party goers. Who would have thought the Hollywood police would have time to Harass Michael Jackson fans? In a city where crime is high and teenagers cruise the strip for a good time, would it seem odd that the police department would have time to threaten Michael Jackson fans who gathered to remember and celebrate the life of the King Of Pop.

As a group of 40 or so fans head out to the star to hold a candlelight vigil with flowers, candles and a life size cut out of Michael in tow, we hardly seem like the criminal element that would warrant the attention of 5 Hollywood Police offices but that is what we got, right before two additional bike officers showed up.

Just moments after we placed flowers and lite candles, we were ordered to pick up our things and move on. I think we were informed that if we didn't get moving we would be issued Misdemeanor citations. When we questioned, why we were being asked to move they told us move along or be charge with loitering. Huh, looking left and looking right, crowds of people were "loitering" Watching break dances, viewing celebrities stars and taking picture with impersonators.

The police officers didn't even give us time to let the candles cool down. Since they told us we could not stand at the star and that we needed to move, we walked in a big circle around the star. We were moving but clearly just moving wasn't good enough and they ordered us to leave again with threats.

When you look at the big picture, Why would police in a huge city in the county of Los Angeles, in an area where crime is abundant, spend time threating and harassing a peaceful bunch of MJ fans? Isn't this the same city where they have covered his name at an elementary school where he donated a gymnasium? I would say it's fair to assume that this city of Hollywood still holds the same bias against Michael Jackson in death as they did in life.


Simple. Next time you have to film everything, put on youtube and hire a lawyer to sue - or threaten w/ a lawsuit - the city of Los Angeles.

Be a citizen and fight for God.

Take some action! You can also get a warrant to stop them and not being arrested

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that is right. you need to film it. fight for it. fight for respect towards us, fans. we are with you. thank you for sharing :huggy:

cause this is thriller, thriller night
Oh, is that the same police that wouldn't make his house a crime scene while others could go in and out for a nice long time?

The same police who flies those lovely helicopter over beaches where tourists want to enjoy a sunset?

The same police that regularly gets into trouble with some filming them beating up a (usually...) black guy?

Yeah, not surprised.

What are the regulations by the way for public gatherings? I don't know what the regulations are for "public demonstrations"? It's probably safe to say that someone is following public announcements of public gatherings.
Legal info: As his star is on a public sidewalk and around businesses , you gathering around there can affect people passing through and/or people/customers going into the places/businesses. The other people stopping for a few minutes to take a picture versus you are holding an event there for hours is also different. So legally by definition it's loitering.

Furthermore I believe that the film crew itself could be the sole reason. You can shot photos and personal videos on public properties but however if you bring together people and crew for a video shoot, you need to get a permit from the city (in your situation you have professional TV crew shooting for a documentary, they should be getting a permit and I believe that's the main issue here). and yes without a permit they can stop the shoot, take the video and/or fine you.

The best strategy will be to apply for permits and permissions and use more suitable places.

Simple. Next time you have to film everything, put on youtube and hire a lawyer to sue - or threaten w/ a lawsuit - the city of Los Angeles.

Be a citizen and fight for God.

Take some action! You can also get a warrant to stop them and not being arrested.

I wouldn't recommend doing this. Arranging a public gathering, blocking streets, disturbing pedestrians and professional video shooting, without applying for permissions and necessary permits and later threating to sue the city and the cops could actually put you in more trouble (and definitely unnecessary trouble).
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Legal info: As his star is on a public sidewalk and around businesses , you gathering around there can affect people passing through and/or people/customers going into the places/businesses. The other people stopping for a few minutes to take a picture versus you are holding an event there for hours. So legally by definition it's loitering.

Furthermore I believe that the film crew itself could be the sole reason. You can shot photos and personal videos on public properties but however if you bring together people and crew for a video shoot, you need to get a permit from the city (in your situation you have professional TV crew shooting for a documentary, they should be getting a permit and I believe that's the main issue here). and yes without a permit they can stop the shoot, take the video and/or fine you.

The best strategy will be to apply for permits and permissions and use more suitable places.

I wouldn't recommend doing this. Arranging a public gathering, blocking streets, disturbing pedestrians and professional video shooting, without applying for permissions and necessary permits and later threating to sue the city and the cops could actually put you in more trouble.

Thank you Ivy!!

You always bring great info & input.

Before screaming foul, some have to get their ish straight & RESPECT the LAW.
wait until june 25th no one will be able to walk there. Be the first to put your cut out up and candles around then tell them to wait an hour and see how many people come. They cant stop everyone from mourning the king.
they'll probably expecting that and be ready for that. I'm not saying they'll never allow it, of course they will. They would just like to plan for it and make it okay and safe for other people as well.

The below one is from June 09. See the barriers and the ID's on the professional photographers.

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thank u ivy .i was thinking same ,for any kind of gathering at public place u need to get permit from city.i know u have ur heart at right place but we need respect law also.as Michael said we can't wait for government to do everything it all starts with us that includes following that law.
I don't understand why someone would join the police force and then would rather do something stupid like this, when people are diying in the street !!! its sick !!
I cant understand this at all when so much goes on in that street anyway. They should just leave MJ fans alone to mourn etc.
That is disgusting, but overall unsurprising, considering what sort of people we're dealing with. No matter what they do, Michael will always tower over them. People will always love him. Always. They're so pathetic, trying to harass a group of people who are just peacefully assembling when there are real problems in the streets.
Hollywood still bias against Michael Jackson?
Sunday, May 23, 2010 at 12:35PM

Downtown Hollywood with all the hustle and bustle, and the hundreds of thousands of tourist and residents. Just East of Beverly Hills, on an average Saturday night, in the city of celebrities and young party goers. Who would have thought the Hollywood police would have time to Harass Michael Jackson fans? In a city where crime is high and teenagers cruise the strip for a good time, would it seem odd that the police department would have time to threaten Michael Jackson fans who gathered to remember and celebrate the life of the King Of Pop.

As a group of 40 or so fans head out to the star to hold a candlelight vigil with flowers, candles and a life size cut out of Michael in tow, we hardly seem like the criminal element that would warrant the attention of 5 Hollywood Police offices but that is what we got, right before two additional bike officers showed up.

Just moments after we placed flowers and lite candles, we were ordered to pick up our things and move on. I think we were informed that if we didn't get moving we would be issued Misdemeanor citations. When we questioned, why we were being asked to move they told us move along or be charge with loitering. Huh, looking left and looking right, crowds of people were "loitering" Watching break dances, viewing celebrities stars and taking picture with impersonators.

The police officers didn't even give us time to let the candles cool down. Since they told us we could not stand at the star and that we needed to move, we walked in a big circle around the star. We were moving but clearly just moving wasn't good enough and they ordered us to leave again with threats.

When you look at the big picture, Why would police in a huge city in the county of Los Angeles, in an area where crime is abundant, spend time threating and harassing a peaceful bunch of MJ fans? Isn't this the same city where they have covered his name at an elementary school where he donated a gymnasium? I would say it's fair to assume that this city of Hollywood still holds the same bias against Michael Jackson in death as they did in life.



Yes, there is still bias against MJ & his fans. 7 police officers total? :no:
What a waste of taxpayers money.
they're all IDIOTS, can go to hell, bast*rds
They must be old Elvis fans.... what amazes me about that (if thats the case), is that Michael admired Elvis, and Elvis admiredThe Jacksons.... soooo this is SO stupid, this whole Elvis Presley vs Michael Jackson.... pointless, they are soooo different in so many ways, the only conection is music and Lisa Marie Presley