Holding hands for michael world record (updated)


Proud Member
Oct 9, 2011
At the beginning of what is undoubtedly going to be a very tough couple of weeks for everybody, I would like to pour a small ray of sunshine into the proceedings. The 'Holding Hands for Michael' World Record is going great guns! We are now numbering nearly 600!!!!!!!!! However,we all know that there are many, many more fans out there! We want to ensure,that, like Michael, we set a standard here and one that is hard to beat!

So,if you havent 'held hands' yet please watch the vid and go to the site and hold hands with your 'virtual' brother or sister. To others, who like me, find times when they are feeling isolated and alone, I suggest that you 'pop' onto the site and just take a look at the amazing spectacle unfolding before our eyes of all of Michael's fans beginning to gather on one site to show the world their love for Michael and solidarity with one another.

To all those who have already participated and to the wonderful team who work tirelessly behind the scenes helping to keep the thread running smoothly, I would like to say a big thanks....We are far from finished yet! We have at least another 2-3 months, so this is perfectly achievable!!

Please go to:-



yeah i hold ur hand ...lets break a record that will never be broken :)