History lovers?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011

OK, where are my history lovers in here? I know I can't be the only history nerd around here... :wild:
You are not alone! I love History too! lol. I never used to like it in grade school, in fact I hated it in grade school. But when I got to high school, I started to really like it. It's very interesting and I love learning of past events. I think the reason I didn't like it as a kid is because I didn't understand it, but now I do and I love it. :)
I think it's interesting, especially the World Wars and that time, I'm not so interested in events from Middle Age or other things so long time ago.. History never really was my favourite subject in school but I still think that sometimes it's interesting :D
I love reading up History i always like educating myself on important stuff that happened in the past
I love reading historical books. The only problem I'm find is that it is HIS story. It is always skewed depending on who tells the story. It is almost impossible many times to find an unbiased opinion that is forthright in telling a story. Therefore you get misconceptions and a lot of innuendo. And much about history we really don't know, so people just make stuff up. But I think having the ability to have some kind of window to a completely different time, seeing human nature in its unchanging fortitude, is fantastic. And even with its romanticization, history is a great read.
I love history. I love reading historical books of all kinds & I love watching the history channel. :D
( at first I thought thist thread was about HIStory :lol: )

But I am interested in history.. I studied legal history last year and that really made me interested in history in general :)
History is interesting indeed.
I began to search for Socrates when i saw that MJ read about him.I found some interesting quotes and you can´t believe it´s over 2000 years ago Socrates said them.

They had familyproblems..I think Socrates was married to Xantippa

Once made equal to man, woman becomes his superior.
My advice to you is get married: if you find a good wife you'll be happy; if not, you'll become a philosopher.

False words are not only evil in themselves, but they infect the soul with evil.
From the deepest desires often come the deadliest hate.
I love the World War period and especially the REAL world wars - the Seven Years War, the Napoleonic Wars, the list goes on and on.

My favorite eras in history would have to be:

- Biblical History, Most specifically Ancient Israel.
-Ancient Egypt
-Ancient Greece
And most recently, the Harlem Renaissance. :)
I love photography and this thread made me think of the history of photography. There are so many beautiful pictures, who recorded the famous and great moments that have become historical.

The first pictures that came in my mind were these:





And many others....

The photography is always evolving and we have great photographers.
I love history! Always have! My dad always used to pump me full of it when i was little and i find it so fascinating! :D
I hate learning it in school thought! The teachers are terrible, infact i would love to become a history teacher and be able to make more people interested in it, i think so many people look at it as something boring because it was a boring subject in school!
To be honest i never liked history class, at least with some of the stuff, at least here in the States i was tired of learning about the same thing over and over again in our middle/high school history class and always in the same freaking time period! atleast to me, but i was usually sleeping in class. i always found it hard to keep my grades up too...it kind of bored me. now i don't mind learning more, and i loveeeee the history channel! but i was always more fascinated with ancient history particularly, in middle school when my English teacher...(yea not our history teacher!!) put up some photos of at least 12 of the Greek gods to learn about, i was smitten...and as i got older i learned more about them along with other cultures like ancient egypt, mayans, aztecs, persians, india. i love the pagan gods and what was around before christianity/islam...and what have you) took over and changed the culture of each people in a shocking way, also what was built, where ''the first this...'' was invented, and then who perfected it. and i love ancient art and how each culture drew themselves, whether on a wall, in stone, statues. ahhh beautiful. other than that i like learning about the time my 'baby boomer' parents grew up in 40's 50's 60's 70's. alot of interesting decades to be around.
anyway, im always trying to find history forums too aside from celeb worship ones or fashion. hee
love love love history. without history, we would never understand all the allusions in books, art, music.
Each musician I listen to has to have some background info for me to sink my teeth into (like MJ- his biography, a type of historical content of American culture- a looking glass into the late 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, 00s)
I love art, so art history not only reflects the people at the time, but it shows...I dunno this great window to centuries ago. I like window metaphors, if you didn't see that already. That's what captures me, the story and the art. That's what I will always remember. It's wonderful.
I love U.S. history, and I wish I could have taken the European History class at school. I'll find books and learn about them one day.
Social Science--it says it all. I love the study of people and the past. There isn't anything juicy about facts if you don't learn about the souls and people that caused these facts to become facts. Science? It has history, has weird scientists, the clergy, and conflict. Math? same thing. It's full of drama (other than the black and white concepts and equations) you gotta love history because it's just about human nature.

I can't fathom people when they say they don't like history or they hate reading books. Breaks my heart.
I love history.

I think being educated in as much history as possible is vital. It saddens me - scares me, quite frankly - when I come across people who are not interested in history and are not educated in that field.
Wow, lovely to see many history aficionados hahahaha. I love it as well. Together with geography, art and physical education i think it is one of the most important subjects in an education curricula, especially for young children - opening their mind to the world, cultivating their talents and strengthening their little bodies. You can appreciate a tree or the galaxies without knowing their name, but identifying continents at least (even better countries and important sites) and knowing what great events took place in the past are sine qua non in the education of anyone, or so i think. Math is also great, they say it's one of them universal languages, it truly is, but it gets wayyy to complicated for me after 3+4=7 lolol.

History is amazing; wasn't it George Santayana (not that i know anything else from him lol) who said - those who do not know the past, are condemned to repeat it? But history isn't only about mistakes or great battles, it's about human accomplishments and those may not always be great building that withstood the forces of nature and resisted for millennia, but the overall arch of human experience of triumph and tragedy which essentially remains the same, in spite of technological advances. There is actually a great debate about who makes history - the single personalities (people who either as statesmen, army generals or great artists put their imprint on the fate of nations and the world) or the masses who build pyramids and perish in their thousands and millions for whatever causes. I actually think it's somewhere in the middle. All the battles in the world and all the buildings could not have been created without people, and great artists such as Michael himself could not spread their message to the people if they didn't have the means and the audience, but also the treasures which are the human mind and soul can have amazing expressions in individuals and many times God uses certain providential people to turn the world in the right direction - from Moses to Mother Theresa, from JFK to FDR, from Mozart to Michael. Unfortunately, so does the enemy with other individuals - one need only look to people like Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot.

What was the name of the story in Dancing the dream about the people not leaving traces - where the ancient passed? I thought that was such an amazing approach on Michael's part. It proved the depth and the truth in his thinking. I've also loved what he said in his Oxford speech about people in earlier times, like in the Middle Ages for example - they did not have all of our technology and all the material comfort some of us in this world enjoy, but their houses were kept warm by the feelings families shared.

If i were to time travel, i would love to go back to that time. I know the perception is that the middle ages were 'dark' times full of ignorance and terrible atrocities like the Inquisition and the witch hunts, but beyond those, which were realities, there was a sense of innocence and the values of faith, family and chivalry weren't mere concepts. I'm probably influenced in my belief also by childhood images of fairy tales and knights and damsels in distress and Robin Hood and Prince Valiant, and I'm sure life wasn't a walk in the park for peasants exploited all year long enduring harsh weather and awful living conditions, but i still think it was an interesting time in human history.

What i also love is 20th century history; i've always been passionate about it, if for no other reason than the fact i was born in it lol and i thought it was common sensical to know what had taken place. Two world wars and all the other conflicts (especially in the Middle East and in Africa) which made it the bloodiest ever in human history, the cold war which almost took us to the brink of destruction if it weren't for MAD, all of those are terribly important events which shaped the lives of hundreds of millions of people. On the bright side, we also had medical advances, the internet and amazing people such as Gandhi, John Paull II, Dr. King, Nelson Mandela, Jesse Owens and Michael himself to enlighten us.

Memory is such a funny thing - forgetfulness is one of its qualities actually. I tend to forget all kind of stuff, but certain dates in history i never forget - idles of march (15th) 44 b.C. (Caesar's assassination), July 14th 1789 (Bastille day), September 1st 1939 (the invasion of Poland) are just a few examples.

Another amazing day was June 13th 2005; i know some were downright offended Michael had 'dared' on the official site to compare himself to Dr.King and others, but he was quite right - that day when justice was made was nothing short of extraordinary, it was a day truly worthy of the history books.

Hopefully, with the passing of time, people will have a proper perspective and understanding of his life, the great injustice he was put through and his importance in history because of all the lives he has touched and changed for the better, directly or indirectly - one day you will see his place in world history.

The History performance from one of my favorite concerts ever, used to watch it all the time, i know it almost by heart :)
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