History Era Interview - Beautiful

awww wow!! how stunning does he look!
The beatboxing :heat:
lovely interview. just gorgeous! :wub:

We Miss You More Michael xxx
Thank you so much...that interview is beautiful...God I miss him so much..:boohoo:....He still had so much more inside of him that he wanted to share with us. He was such a genius and none will EVER top him.
awwww....i have this on VHS..! Love it! I haven't watched the full interview in a long time....:wub: thanks for posting!
I remember this interview, love Michael as always, but I just gotta say Diane Sawyer bugs the hell outta me everytime!
Thank you, I never saw the complete version either! There is no words to describe how amazing this interview is...
Yeah I feel the same, I had to compose myself before I watched it, I got so excited at having the full-version :wub:

awww wow!! how stunning does he look!
The beatboxing :heat:
lovely interview. just gorgeous! :wub:
:yes: the beatboxing is phenomenal! and he looks phenomenal too of course :swoon:

Thank you so much...that interview is beautiful...God I miss him so much..:boohoo:....He still had so much more inside of him that he wanted to share with us. He was such a genius and none will EVER top him.

Your welcome, I'm glad I came across it. Yeah, miss him like crazy too:(

awwww....i have this on VHS..! Love it! I haven't watched the full interview in a long time....:wub: thanks for posting!

You're welcome. Hey, I want it on VHS! :D

So beautiful, thank you for making me Smile. :in_love:

Free :hug: :hug: for every one that needs it! ;)
You're welcome, I'm happy to make people smile, we all need it right now :hug:

Cool, I had only ever seen the beatboxing part. Thanks for sharing. :)

Yeah me too, I used to get so annoyed and want more!! No we got it ;)
aww, thanks so much for posting this! I've seen bits of it before, but never in such good quality. Awesome!

I ADORE his hair here.:wub: That's the Michael I know and love.
My god, he's so beautiful... I miss him so much! :cry:
thanks, you know this is from before the lisa marie and michael interview, right?

its a whole lot longer than the part you posted - but nowhere near as good quality as yours!

that is brilliant quality, thanks

but for anyone who hasn't seen the full clip:

thanks, you know this is from before the lisa marie and michael interview, right?

its a whole lot longer than the part you posted - but nowhere near as good quality as yours!

that is brilliant quality, thanks

but for anyone who hasn't seen the full clip:


yeah, i've seen it..i have it on VHS...but since I don't have my VCR hooked up anymore and it's collected dust in the basement, i haven't seen it in forever! :wub:
I'll never understand how Diane Sawyer could spend that time with Michael, and in a later interview ask Lisa Marie "what was she thinking in (marrying him?)". When it should have been TOTALLY obvious from her interview with him, Lisa was thinking she wanted to be married to a sensitive, brilliant, wonderful man. How could Sawyer possibly not see this? It radiates from his every pore. Just puzzles the heck out of me how she could be that unperceptive.
I'll never understand how Diane Sawyer could spend that time with Michael, and in a later interview ask Lisa Marie "what was she thinking in (marrying him?)". When it should have been TOTALLY obvious from her interview with him, Lisa was thinking she wanted to be married to a sensitive, brilliant, wonderful man. How could Sawyer possibly not see this? It radiates from his every pore. Just puzzles the heck out of me how she could be that unperceptive.

I know, I mean what's not to love??! What was she thinking divorcing him, is more the question :smilerolleyes:
I'll never understand how Diane Sawyer could spend that time with Michael, and in a later interview ask Lisa Marie "what was she thinking in (marrying him?)". When it should have been TOTALLY obvious from her interview with him, Lisa was thinking she wanted to be married to a sensitive, brilliant, wonderful man. How could Sawyer possibly not see this? It radiates from his every pore. Just puzzles the heck out of me how she could be that unperceptive.

yes but you have to understand Diane Sawyer is apart of the media the media that's drags you down no matter What MJ remain humble that's what hurted a lot of people who went against him god bless him with that gift as well this interview is a classic