His Legacy. Our Hands.


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
One of the things that has worried me most since Michael's death (after his children's well being) has bee how we should go about carrying Michael's great legacy. It worried me because my generation grew up with Michael in court so it takes so many of them are very ignorant to the extortion scheme and actually think Michael was a pedophile. It made me worried because if my generation can't carry on Michael's legacy, then what will happen to it? Will it disappear after my generation is gone? This honestly worried me so much.

But this all changed today. I was in my room and my mom came up to call me for dinner. When she did, I had "We Are The World" playing as I did my homework. She then told me a story of what happened today to her friend. Her friend has two sons, one 4 and one 6. The youngest son shows some musical inclinations and she is a Michael Jackson fan. About two months before Michael died, she started playing his music to her sons and he really liked Michael Jackson. Not only did he like Michael Jackson but when he saw Michael Jackson dance/perform (on video obviously) he, like the rest of us became mesmerized by Michael's pure talent. When Michael died, his mom came up to him and told him that Michael had gone to heaven. At first, the boy was really upset. Then he looked at his mom and said "Can we still sing his songs?" and his mom said "Of course" and then he said "It's okay mommy. We can still he sing his songs". My mom saw him today and the little boy asks her if he can show her something. She says yes so he grabs his guitar, plays and sings "We Are The World" for my mom. The whole song too! Then when my mom asked him about Michael he said "His in Heaven now but we can still sing his songs."

This brought a smile to my face and made me realize that Michael's legacy will live on. My generation is tainted, yes. When we were actually starting to pay attention to Hollywood, Michael was in a child molestation trial. We assumed he was guilty. But these children have a clean slate. They'll get Michael's legacy. They'll get his great performances and his great music. They'll be able to see from the beginning that Michael wasn't guilty. This new generation will grow up without Michael physically but I don't think that they'll ever really be without him.

So my question to you is, what how do you think we can pass on his legacy and do him proud? This coming generation will have a clean slate, they'll love him because they'll see him in a different light than my generation does but obviously we want everyone to see Michael in that light. So what do you think we can do to show Michael in the best light possible? We owe it to him and we owe it to the children.
It will be very difficult to care about his legacy. The important part of Michael’s image for next generations is the result of investigation process. If officials will try to make the case drug overdose it will be like throwing more dirt on Michaels’ name to make him look junkie. I pray for true justice for Michael at first.
Besides I think that good art never dies. But we have to do our best to clean his name from tabloid garbage, rumors and false allegations.
There isn't much you can do except let the music talk for him, and talk about what he did for the sick and needy. Michael will forever remain a misterious figure to the world, but his music will always be amazing to people. Those who are lucky will learn to love him like us. He will be like Elvis and The Beatles, so no worries.
Thanks for the thoughtful post.

Like Asedora said, it will be difficult because this new generation will be hearing dirty stories about Michael the junkie.

But on the other hand, his death has brought him more respect as an entertainer so children of this generation will be hearing and seeing his work more often, in a more positive light than previous generations.

Take my younger sister for example. His death has had the new fan effect on her and none of the negativity surrounding Michael right now has clouded her pure, simple love for his music.

I think we can certainly count on children of today loving Michael's music at least once and a while. I suppose it will be up to us fans to spread Michael's messages of love and humanity. How to do that, I have no idea. Speak in the name of Michael maybe? :)