High five everyone!



(did you touch the screen when you saw this photo?? confess! I did :wub: )
Yes I did:)!!! I always do every time I see any picture that has our angel's most beautiful hand in that gesture! :) We'll never let you go Mike, we can never let you go! Love you forever more...
This may sound a little silly but I'd LOVE it if we could make this thread sticky so we could give Michael a high five everytime we log in :D!It would really cheer us up!I'm sure this won't sound silly to Mike LOL!
yeah, isn't it such a delight to high five this hand? I've been doing it the whole day today :)
even though its just a picture i felt as though i was touching michael, to be honest it gave me happy chills :) and i agree it should be a sticky

love you michael :)
I wish i had a scanner then i could post my hand also on here =-)
This may sound a little silly but I'd LOVE it if we could make this thread sticky so we could give Michael a high five everytime we log in :D!It would really cheer us up!I'm sure this won't sound silly to Mike LOL!

lol Yea why not?! I high fived him myself! :D He got such huge hands! O_O Me like! ;)
haha, it would be nice to make this thread sticky if mods allow it :) :wub:
I was surprised by the pic and to be honest, I was a bit afraid to touch it (silly as is might sound) but... eventually I touched the screen. Man.... it felt so... well... it's hard to describe, but it felt so real as strange. I feel so silly, but at the same time, so good to kind of "have that chance". But I felt so sad too. I wish I would have tried to ever met him. I mean... I wish I would have had a real chance to ever meet him and just touch his hand and say "Ey, thank you so much!!!!!".

Ahhh... well... I don't know. I feel quite confused and sad right now. It's not the idea of the threath, I know that, but I can't help it.

Man.... it really hurts.... :(
who made this thread?:thinking:

i love you :shout::wild::dance:
yup..I confess..I touched the screen..:love:,,,felt strange..if you close your eyes for a second...you can feel Michael's hand...:blush:
eewww, why did you put him in this thread? ewww!

(I gave a high five to your signature :wub: )