Hey guys im new here what are your opinions on the baby scandal?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Hey guys, i'm new here. Wanted to register cos i'm going through a MJ reminiscing stage. Just playing all his songs nonstop. But I just remembered that thing where he hung a baby over his apartment balcony.

This thing:

Did MJ ever explain why he did it? And wht are your opinions on it?

Also what is your favourite song?

I think it was just a mistake, and he acknowledged that, but his intentions were good - he just wanted to share Prince with his fans.

Favourite song is Heal The World. :p
Hi!! Nice to have you!! I think he was just so excited about being a father again, he just didn't think too well....
Hi! Welcome! Michael wanted to show his new baby Blanket to his fans that were clamoring for him outside his hotel. I think he just got over excited to show his fans his new baby. He made a mistake but he apologized and regretted his actions.

I don't have one favorite song of MJ's, there are sooo many great ones it is hard to pick one, but right now I love Best of Joy, Monster, KYHU. I am also listening to Is It Scary a lot lately.
He was a proud father and wanted to show his son for the fans.
There are lots of proud fathers in the world who do stupid things but there is no pictures of it in the newspapers

Michael´s songs are so amazing ,I just can´t pick one.
I am with the crowd posting above. Michael proudly wanted to show his son - I never really understood the big deal about it.

My favourite song? It is difficult, but "who is it", "give in to me" comes to mind
i think there is no big deal. he held the baby firmly. we can see that in the video
It's one of those things that looks a lot worse in pictures than it does in video. The news channels slowed the footage down for maximum effect, to give the impression that Michael was some crazed loon dangling his baby for the hell of it. If you actually watch the footage in real time you'll see that the whole thing lasted no more than two seconds at the most. It was a very VERY brief lapse of judgement, but of course the pictures and the slowed down footage blew it up out of all proportion and portrayed Michael in an extremely bad light (which of course was furthering the media's anti-MJ agenda).

Without wanting to sound like a crazy conspiracy theorist, I have my suspicions that the whole thing was a set-up. I believe around that time there were people following Michael with the deliberate intention of finding something incriminating.
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We all do stupid things, and that was one of Michael's. He admitted later that he was caught up in the excitement!
I think he was on something at the time aswell. Some of his behaviour was manic during that period. For instance, when he was feeding blanket, he was jigging to such an extent that it looked as though he would fall off his lap. Mike was always playful but that whole Berlin segment of the Bashir fiasco is quite difficult to watch.
Actually, my dad told me he did something very similar when I was borned. He was watching the news at that time and saw this incident with Michael and his baby and went: "Bah, big deal... I did something like that too when you were born, your mom got pretty pissed. What can I say, we're men, we do stupid stuff every now and then. I was just very very happy that I became a father."

Yeah, I'm sure that's also what happened with Michael. He was just really happy to be a father. Oh and wasn't it Blanket? I saw somebody saying it was Prince, I'm pretty sure it was Blanket.

Fav MJ songs: Can't think one top favorite song. Maybe "2 Bad" or "Blood On The Dancefloor".
It was wrong:yes: but Michael did regret it afterwards and my favourite song is "You are not Alone" :yes: But we should not talk about what he did wrong:no:
Well, I know Michael just got caught up in the moment of the fans chanting, you can see very well that his grip is very tight on Blanket and he is in no danger at all. The whole situation was just blown way out of proportion if you ask me, the media were out for MJ then, and anything they could use against him they would!

My favourite song changes all the time, Will You Be There has always had a special place in my heart though, so I'll go with that. Oh and welcome, its nice to see a new member here :)
Welcome to the site. I really didn't think much about it at the time. I guess because I was just so happy at the time that he was a father again.

As for favorite MJ song I L.O.V.E. just about all of them the same. His song Who Is It is the only song of his that I am almost practically obsessed with it.
It was probably the one of the few times I thought he did the wrong thing but he did admit it was a mistake and apologized for it later. Favourite song is This Place Heartbreak Hotel or Dancing Machine.
He explained it in ''Living with Michael Jackson'' (Martin Bashir interview in 2003). Michael was a bit reckless in that moment, but he wanted only to show his kid to fans.
My favourite song is Man In The Mirror.
He just got caught up in the moment and made a mistake. He was only human, he made mistakes just like the rest of us. Only difference is that whenever Michael would make a mistake it was always captured on video and repeted over and over again for the world to see
Is this forum to celebrate Michael?We should be remembering the wonderful gift that we are so lucky to see and appreciate what he gave us(not saying you all don't)
In my personal opinion, it was a very silly and dangerous thing to do, a stupid mistake, no single question. I understand the exciment and so on, but a baby is not something to play with. I will not say it was cute, for it is everything but cute or simple. It was a fool mistake. Besides, though I respect his desire to share his happiness showing Blanket to his fans, that for me makes no reason. He kept hidding the children until the very day he left us. I don't see the point in showing Blanket that way at all :doh:

I love Michael, but a mistake is a mistake.

The problem with this mistake is that is was made in public, in front of media and it was the perfect gift for the haters. The perfect thing for them to make fun of Michael forever!! All parents/uncles/aunts have done something stupid with a baby/son/nice/nephew at least once. I, for once, was having tea by my nice and in a second I hit a cup with my ellbow and spilled the hot tea on my baby nice's leg!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek:

As soon as I heard her scream I just wanted to die slowly and painfully. But it was an accident, a stupid accident. We run with the baby to the kitchen and applied lots of cold water and nothing really happened to her at all. However, I was in shocked, crying even more than the baby. I felt horrible. Nothing happended, true, but it could have been something really bad.

I was a fool. But at home. No press. No pictures. No worldwide news.

That's the difference.
In my personal opinion, it was a very silly and dangerous thing to do, a stupid mistake, no single question. I understand the exciment and so on, but a baby is not something to play with. I will not say it was cute, for it is everything but cute or simple. It was a fool mistake. Besides, though I respect his desire to share his happiness showing Blanket to his fans, that for me makes no reason. He kept hidding the children until the very day he left us. I don't see the point in showing Blanket that way at all :doh:

I love Michael, but a mistake is a mistake.

The problem with this mistake is that is was made in public, in front of media and it was the perfect gift for the haters. The perfect thing for them to make fun of Michael forever!! All parents/uncles/aunts have done something stupid with a baby/son/nice/nephew at least once. I, for once, was having tea by my nice and in a second I hit a cup with my ellbow and spilled the hot tea on my baby nice's leg!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek:

As soon as I heard her scream I just wanted to die slowly and painfully. But it was an accident, a stupid accident. We run with the baby to the kitchen and applied lots of cold water and nothing really happened to her at all. However, I was in shocked, crying even more than the baby. I felt horrible. Nothing happended, true, but it could have been something really bad.

I was a fool. But at home. No press. No pictures. No worldwide news.

That's the difference.

Great post! I agree.
It looked like he was trying to do a Lion King move, but yeah, not a good idea.
Actually, my dad told me he did something very similar when I was borned. He was watching the news at that time and saw this incident with Michael and his baby and went: "Bah, big deal... I did something like that too when you were born, your mom got pretty pissed. What can I say, we're men, we do stupid stuff every now and then. I was just very very happy that I became a father."

Yeah, I'm sure that's also what happened with Michael. He was just really happy to be a father. Oh and wasn't it Blanket? I saw somebody saying it was Prince, I'm pretty sure it was Blanket.

Fav MJ songs: Can't think one top favorite song. Maybe "2 Bad" or "Blood On The Dancefloor".
oh really? so it was big deal :( men r innocent :p
anyway, my fav song is "Smooth Criminal"
In my personal opinion, it was a very silly and dangerous thing to do, a stupid mistake, no single question. I understand the exciment and so on, but a baby is not something to play with. I will not say it was cute, for it is everything but cute or simple. It was a fool mistake. Besides, though I respect his desire to share his happiness showing Blanket to his fans, that for me makes no reason. He kept hidding the children until the very day he left us. I don't see the point in showing Blanket that way at all :doh:

I love Michael, but a mistake is a mistake.

The problem with this mistake is that is was made in public, in front of media and it was the perfect gift for the haters. The perfect thing for them to make fun of Michael forever!! All parents/uncles/aunts have done something stupid with a baby/son/nice/nephew at least once. I, for once, was having tea by my nice and in a second I hit a cup with my ellbow and spilled the hot tea on my baby nice's leg!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek:

As soon as I heard her scream I just wanted to die slowly and painfully. But it was an accident, a stupid accident. We run with the baby to the kitchen and applied lots of cold water and nothing really happened to her at all. However, I was in shocked, crying even more than the baby. I felt horrible. Nothing happended, true, but it could have been something really bad.

I was a fool. But at home. No press. No pictures. No worldwide news.

That's the difference.

I feel the same way. Great post!
It was just to show the baby to the fans. The danish royal family have had their babies shown on a balcony many times, maybe not holding it out over the railing, but they make the baby "stand" on the railing. (Holding the baby under the arms to make it look like it stands on the railing)



Only when it is MJ doing it it is dangerous and a scandale. He got cought up in the moment and appologized the next day. No big deal.

I listen to the song History right now. Such a great song.

Only when it is MJ doing it it is dangerous and a scandale. He got cought up in the moment and appologized the next day. No big deal.

Excately! ALways when Michael did something, it almost made him the worst criminal ever!

Correct. It was not a big deal, but as always when it was MJ the media made their own stories.