Here is Something that will bring you joy....


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Miami, Fl
Dear All;

I was going through some of the threads today and it dawn on me one important thing...

This site..... yes, this site.....

You can remotely go through Every Experience, Every Trip that Michael has gone through....
yes... and relieve litteraly comments and pictures that we didn't see in a while...

I was laughing at a comment someone had put and it reminded me that this site, is actually HISTORY... History in a good way, meaning, we can relieve day to day the life and travels of Michael........ this is a Historic web site.... our thoughts, our prayer, our wishes is regrouped here....

We can jump back in time.... we can rediscover this site... and enjoy our past over and over....

Our lives is different now and no matter what... michael is around us... But, we need to do whatever to protect this web site, which is part of "history" and need to be protected for years to come..............

Imagine this site being gone, this would be something NONE of us would want and we would definitely feel alone... again.... we need to strenghen our family....

Let's do something to make sure it stays that way!!!

We are family and we don't want to loose another "family member".

I couldn't agree with you more.

MJJF/MJJC has always been here for me when I needed advice, cheering-up, news or just a chance to feel closer to MJ & people I connected with. I will always be greatful for their existance.

And eventhough I'm in a state of what seems to be unforgiving heart-ache, I want to keep in contact with this forum. My dreams are gone, but I still have some hope that through his death, we can continue to make his music and goals even more everlasting.
oh wow... this thread is really amazing...thank you Claudio for once again making me realize the importance of this place,the people here and most of all the reason why we are all here... unconditional love for Michael and for each other.

Bless you all! :)

I know what you mean. i haven't been a member for very long but the other day i was looking at some of the archive stuff... it was like now, some stuff made me laff and other stuff made me cry or be angry. the difference between then and now is that i had to keep reminding myself that MJ was still with us when all this stuff was written.
it was good to look at all these old threads though, well worth a look.
Same goes for me - I have been a huge fan for almost 30 years, but it never occured to me to join a fansite before, I'm always rushing off somewhere.

Like you, I've been looking at some of the archives and it brings a lot back to me about how I was feeling at the time, the isolation during the trial and sheer giddy excitement when MJ announced he was going back on tour. So glad I found this site - it has been a Godsend over the last 2 months.

Great tattoos, by the way.

Claudio, very profound post - sending you reps.
MJJC is AWESOME. Been a fan of MJ since my 5th(i'm 27 now) but i would be lying if i said i ALWAYS believed in MJ's innocence...i simply had nothing to research, i didnt know what to believe (the 93 case that is) . So when i got there, NO TIME, i was educated about so many things about the case. Pretty soon i was convinced and since then i've been trying to educate other people on forums and just in general.

Thank you MJJC, THANK YOU! And just so much more..i've been here with personal problems, received great advice and help, and just lots of talk about the good man himself of's always good to come here.
Yes that's so true! MJJC is honestly like a second home to me. I always feel good to come here no matter what my mood is.

The people here are great and I'm very thankful to Gary for making this place. :yes:
Dear All;

I was going through some of the threads today and it dawn on me one important thing...

This site..... yes, this site.....

You can remotely go through Every Experience, Every Trip that Michael has gone through....
yes... and relieve litteraly comments and pictures that we didn't see in a while...

I was laughing at a comment someone had put and it reminded me that this site, is actually HISTORY... History in a good way, meaning, we can relieve day to day the life and travels of Michael........ this is a Historic web site.... our thoughts, our prayer, our wishes is regrouped here....

We can jump back in time.... we can rediscover this site... and enjoy our past over and over....

Our lives is different now and no matter what... michael is around us... But, we need to do whatever to protect this web site, which is part of "history" and need to be protected for years to come..............

Imagine this site being gone, this would be something NONE of us would want and we would definitely feel alone... again.... we need to strenghen our family....

Let's do something to make sure it stays that way!!!

We are family and we don't want to loose another "family member".


How wonderful you all are here I have been a fan of Michaels for over 30 years and when he passed away I had nowhere to go my sister suggested I find a fansite and join so I could be with other friends who love Michael. I joined here and everyone has made me so welcome.

I am proud to be a member of this site and to call you all my family Michael brought me here he brought us all together and this is where I will stay.

Thank you everyone I love you all.

Michael I miss you more and more everyday

I couldn't agree with you more.

MJJF/MJJC has always been here for me when I needed advice, cheering-up, news or just a chance to feel closer to MJ & people I connected with. I will always be greatful for their existance.

And eventhough I'm in a state of what seems to be unforgiving heart-ache, I want to keep in contact with this forum. My dreams are gone, but I still have some hope that through his death, we can continue to make his music and goals even more everlasting.

I've been here since 2003. This is my family and my home and im so thankful for all of you!
Dear All;

I was going through some of the threads today and it dawn on me one important thing...

This site..... yes, this site.....

You can remotely go through Every Experience, Every Trip that Michael has gone through....
yes... and relieve litteraly comments and pictures that we didn't see in a while...

I was laughing at a comment someone had put and it reminded me that this site, is actually HISTORY... History in a good way, meaning, we can relieve day to day the life and travels of Michael........ this is a Historic web site.... our thoughts, our prayer, our wishes is regrouped here....

We can jump back in time.... we can rediscover this site... and enjoy our past over and over....

Our lives is different now and no matter what... michael is around us... But, we need to do whatever to protect this web site, which is part of "history" and need to be protected for years to come..............

Imagine this site being gone, this would be something NONE of us would want and we would definitely feel alone... again.... we need to strenghen our family....

Let's do something to make sure it stays that way!!!

We are family and we don't want to loose another "family member".


I agree with all you said.Ive been a fan since I can remember im 33 now and never thought about joining a fan site (but I am rubbish with the internet).
The trial was hard enough to get through on my own but Michaels death :( I needed desperatly to find and be around people who was going through and felt the same as me.
I thank god that I found this forum this place my second home where I can be around people who understand.
Ive also been going through some old threads and some brought tears but others brought smiles and even excitment like one thread I read I think from 2006 about was Micheal in London or not and I could feel peoples excitment as they were trying to find out,see him or get to London quick.:)
I miss him with all my heart but coming here helps so much.
So thankyou everyone for this place to come and I pray we will still all be here in years to come :)
Great post very well said!
Thanks for ur hard work MJJC family.
Someday we will all want to look back at our old Michaeling days, so I hope MJJC won't have to go away..
Also a big thank you to MJIFC and MJJF which were great fan sites but unfortunatly no longer active.