Here is a theory..what if it was complications from Lupus that killed him?

Rasta Pasta

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Milan Itlay
Maybe a possibility. Michael did have lupus. Also if I'm not mistaken, aren't Lupus patients on medicines? There have been alot of people that have said that final night Michael looked good and strong and was working very hard. Totally different from the prescription drug addicted person others are making him out to be.

And this COULD BE why Michael had that cardiologist. Just a theory.
Rasta, I thought of that as well considering my cousin died of lupus (the systematic kind)...but I thought MJ had the kind that only affected the skin not vital organs plus when they did the autopsy they didn't say or suggested that was a possiblilty..
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could be who knows. a magazine editor in a tribute said mj had lupus and not many knew and it can cause issues with your heart etc. ithought it was strange the person said this as a tribute. if it were an issue wouldnt it be mentioned in the first results?

yea he had discoid lupus but some fans claim it became SLE in the mid 00's
What I have heard is that he had DLE not SLE, the kind of Lupus that only affects the skin.
What I have thought about though is that do you remember when he was taken to hospital in the summer of 1990, when he was only 32 years old there was stories that a heart specialis was looking after him but Taraborelli and other said it was a panic attack. Also in dec 1995 he was suddely ill after rehersal for a show.
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I was thinking the same Rasta. Deepak Chopra said he has Lupus. No one has every stated what kind. I think he had SLE. But Lupus patients suffer from pain, etc. That is a reason why he mad have had a cardiologist to keep a check on things. Who knows. It is so very easy for people with chronic pain to become addicted and reliant on their pain medication. My Mam and her sisters are in chronic pain and strong medications with severe arthritis and fibromyalgia. It is such a vicious circle. But it looks like to me that if he got an injection that it was too much especially after working all day strenously. We can speculate forever.
Michael used to dance a lot and never eat enough if you do that constantly your heart will suffer, he's had this problem before with chest pains in 86 or 87 he fainted and was rushed to the hospital he was told to "take it easy". I had problems with my heart too when I did too much cardio and ate almost nothing, plus Michael used to take painkillers I don't know what he took but some painkillers affect you heart directly...I always worried about his heart and him not eating well
My niece has lupus and she has both heart and lung problems. I wouldn't be surprised if this were the case.
I' have considered the possiblity that Michael knew he only had months left to live and he decided "I don't care I'm performing one last time. I'm going out with a bang even if it cuts the number of months I have left in half."
his lupus was in remission,but he had the one that did something to your skin not ur heart..right?
he suffered from discoid lupus, this type affects only the skin
i have one question ,,,what about the doctor Michael used to visit every week and sometimes many times in one week???

i read somewhere that media tried to reach him but his ppl said he is not in the city right now !!!!!!!!!!!!!! very strange to be his friend and doctor for more than 25 years and u do not show up to support his family and kids who used to vist him with Michael !