Helping fans figure out the truth amid many lies


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I would suggest that with all the lies flying around about Michael, fan forums should create a special thread or section for fans to differentiate between lies and truth.
There is an overwhelming amount of misinformation flying around that is confusing and upsetting many fans. But if we have a compilation of truth and lies or contradictions, then it may help.

It can also help to list a profile of "who is who" in the media that is talking about Michael so that fans can know whether to believe them or not when they see them on TV.
Some fans who have been on forums know some of these people well, but others do not or cannot remember.

Some lies so far are

Injected one hour before - denied by the doctors representative
Bald and needles during autopsy - pathologist denied that they were the source of stories
Stomach pumped - denied by Grace
Cut father out of will - proven that dad not mentioned
kids not his - we have clips and transcripts of Michael and Debbie talking about this
Stacey Brown's lies about Prince - whereas doctor was alone
The nutritionist - she contradicted herself saying she spoke to Michael 3 months back, then said Sunday

and a lot more lies

Stacey Brown
The Rabbi
Matt Fiddes
Brian Oxman
and others

If the forum can have a photo of these and a bit of info about who they are and their contact and association to Michael, then fans will know better

For instance, if a fan can see that Matt Fiddes only met Michael for 3 days and in public, and knows of the doc he did about Jacksons, they will immediately know he's talking lies.

But what is happening now is fans who know dismiss this people, while those who do not know believe what they say, or are left not knowing.
Don't forget that some in the media are fair to Michael and will be helped with this information and pick up on who these people are and the lies. An article may also appear. A pundit who wants to speak up for Michael will be better armed with info, especially say when doing commentary on the funeral memorial, they can rely on this info as these people do not have the time to research all the lies vs the truth or scour fan forum threads for the truth.

Let's be pro-active even if Michael has passed away.

Information can be added progressively as we get to know the truth, e.g. when the will was released, then we knew the truth that could then discount some of the lies that were floating around.
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It would also be helpful if this was linked to from the Home page of fan sites, to help those searching for info.
can we add some proven things as well?
since i believe that the doctor has failed to help MJ..
When I heard that "bald" mess, I knew that was a lie. Michael may have wore a wig but he had his pretty hair underneth. We saw the curl in the last two weeks which was his actual hair. ANd even in the photo ET has, that is MIchael hair laying down on the side of his face.
thanks for this
and as a fan, I think we should trust in Michael
just question everything you hear from the media or any comments
Cut father out of will - proven that dad not mentioned
While Joe was technically not mentioned in the will, I wouldn't say he was cut out. Michael did not specifically bequeath anything in his will. Instead he created a trust. I hate the way the media made it seem like some big scandal that Joe wasn't mentioned when in reality it meant nothing.