Help ! :(


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
hi , im new here and need cherring up im so sad about michael passing on & dont know what to do.

i cant stop crying :(

can anyone tell me something that i can do to cheer me up ?

thanx :'(
Hi there and welcome.

I'm so sorry to hear you're feeling this way, we're all going through horrible pain so YOU ARE NOT ALONE here.

Don't be surprised if you won't get cheered up easily, the only way I can think of, is to rejoyce in the good times we had we Michael, remember all the beautiful moments he gave us, cherish them and don't let go of the fact that Michael never gave up, he was always strong and kept smiling even through the hardest moments in his life.
I personally find strenght in HIS strenght so I hope it helps.
Hi there and welcome.

I'm so sorry to hear you're feeling this way, we're all going through horrible pain so YOU ARE NOT ALONE here.

Don't be surprised if you won't get cheered up easily, the only way I can think of, is to rejoyce in the good times we had we Michael, remember all the beautiful moments he gave us, cherish them and don't let go of the fact that Michael never gave up, he was always strong and kept smiling even through the hardest moments in his life.
I personally find strenght in HIS strenght so I hope it helps.

We have support threads in the MJJ 1958 - 2009 section. There are a lot of great people here to talk with. Michael's light and spirit will live on through our stories and our love so don't fret. The pain will pass to a time of sharing Michael's magic with the world.
Don't be afraid to cry, holding back tears isn't good for anyone - They come out sooner or alter.

I'm a "grown man" at 25 years of age and I cry everyday, we all mourn in our on way.

Hang around here in the forum, it does help to see that you're not alone in your pain.
^ co-sign and you've certainly come to the right place because you're far from all alone in your deep grief of such a shocking loss to us all. You're not alone in not being able to get your mind around it, your heart or your spirit. It is inconceivable still. The only comforts that I have is in imagining what MJ would do and doing that (like watch the funniest episode of the Three Stooges which MJ loved, or your favorite funny stuff), praying and asking God for the wisdom to learn the lessons my love for Michael is intended to teach me about God, Life and myself, and I don't know about everyone else but I'm gutting myself in news coverage just to get it to sink in. Here's a hug for you :hug: and welcome to the board.
I understand as we are all shocked to hear this kind of news of a man who we loved and admired. That shouldn't stop us from thinking about the wonderful things about Michael. He would have wanted us to be proud of him for what he had done for the world. His legacy should live in us for ever and should be remembered forever. Let us remember him for who he truly was and not let anything that the media is talking about let us forget that. He is indeed in minds but let the good times be what we should have in our minds.
You've found a wonderful place with this board! Hang in there! It will get better. Just do what feels best for you... some of us listen to Michaels music non stop... some just try to help others in pain... some need to talk about Michael remembering good moments... no matter what... we're community, we're all here with you!
I dont know if what I will say will help you but it helps me, I just keep thinking of Michael smiling and being happy. I watch Michael when he was having happy times with his children, his family and us his fans. Now dont get me wrong I do cry but watching these things seems to make things alittle easier alittle at a time. I wish you well and please know you are not alone in the way you are feeling
I feel the same way, the only advice I have for you is to hang in there and just go through it, pray for strength.