Help with which Medium/Channeler to believe


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Reposting my locked thread. No idea why this subject can't be discussed in General Discussion but it's censorship like this that give free reign to the pushers with degrees. Any alternative healings that don't profit BIG Pharma is frown apon.

If Michael would've been refered to a good hypnotherapist way back when, instead of being given all kinds of dangerous drugs, he'd still be here today.

Why don't we just try to put our minds together and figure out who are the genuine Mediums?

After being married to a hypnotherapist for ten years that had a few paranormal experiences, I believe some mediums are genuine.
I've read a LOT of metaphysical books to help me understand The Other Side. There was a NBC TV show in the mid-nighties by that name. My ex has appeared three times on that show and once on the Lisa Gibbons show with clients that he had healed after doctors had given up on.

Anyway if you read my comment on CVL's blog , you'll see I'm suspicious of him.

Read my comment (#3 by LG) to this medium about what he reported.
Oxygen tank was half full

Read my comment no#2 about the GL and vitamine C injections.


I'm somewhat suspicious of this guy but I think Bonnie Vent is genuine. I'm waiting to hear from my ex for his opinion of her since he has more experience with them.

Peace out,
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I think most are not chanelling Michael (or.... if they are theyre misinterpreting certain things) but i feel positive about Bonnie, yeah...

But i basicly prever to trust on what i feel myself.
Its great if there are mediums that can feel Michael but in the end the only thing that really matters is what you feel yourself.
Just relax and be open for it.
Reposting my locked thread. No idea why this subject can't be discussed in General Discussion but it's censorship like this that give free reign to the pushers with degrees. Any alternative healings that don't profit BIG Pharma is frown apon.

If Michael would've been refered to a good hypnotherapist way back when, instead of being given all kinds of dangerous drugs, he'd still be here today.

Why don't we just try to put our minds together and figure out who are the genuine Mediums?

After being married to a hypnotherapist for ten years that had a few paranormal experiences, I believe some mediums are genuine.
I've read a LOT of metaphysical books to help me understand The Other Side. There was a NBC TV show in the mid-nighties by that name. My ex has appeared three times on that show and once on the Lisa Gibbons show with clients that he had healed after doctors had given up on.

Anyway if you read my comment on CVL's blog , you'll see I'm suspicious of him.

Read my comment (#3 by LG) to this medium about what he reported.
Oxygen tank was half full

Read my comment no#2 about the GL and vitamine C injections.


I'm somewhat suspicious of this guy but I think Bonnie Vent is genuine. I'm waiting to hear from my ex for his opinion of her since he has more experience with them.

Peace out,

I agree. Bonnie Vent seems genuine as she is willing to listen to the fans opinions and she is more than happy for people to test her. Bonnie has also stated that until a family member or close friend can verify her channelled info then she cannot confirm that it is definitely Michael - only that it is a spirit claiming to be Michael. Sure does sound like him though!

I am skeptical about Dr Christian Von Lahr however, as he seems to be trying to prove himself constantly by backing up his info with articles from tabloids/websites etc. Also I am unsure about some of the things he is claiming Michael to be saying.
I agree. Bonnie Vent seems genuine as she is willing to listen to the fans opinions and she is more than happy for people to test her. Bonnie has also stated that until a family member or close friend can verify her channelled info then she cannot confirm that it is definitely Michael - only that it is a spirit claiming to be Michael. Sure does sound like him though!

I am skeptical about Dr Christian Von Lahr however, as he seems to be trying to prove himself constantly by backing up his info with articles from tabloids/websites etc. Also I am unsure about some of the things he is claiming Michael to be saying.

That why I'm suspiscious of him and not Bonnie. Hopefully she can get confirmation from family members but them being JW they probably won't have an open mind. Any fear base religion makes sure than their followers are scare to death of the metaphysical.

Also all of us MJ fans know that Michael would keep as private as possible with his communications but here this guy says Michael says this and that. Hopefully he won't remove my comments.
Oh, i never believed Christian Von Lahr either. He gave me a funny feeling... If he was channeling something, it wasn't Michael...
I agree. Bonnie Vent seems genuine as she is willing to listen to the fans opinions and she is more than happy for people to test her. Bonnie has also stated that until a family member or close friend can verify her channelled info then she cannot confirm that it is definitely Michael - only that it is a spirit claiming to be Michael. Sure does sound like him though!

Agreed. That's what I find so sincere about her. A lot of mediums who have claimed to made contact with Michael they say it as if it's a fact that it was him but their "messages" are rather sugar coated and just don't sound like him. Although she can't confirm it 100%, I have put my faith in Bonnie and I really feel that is Michael.
Another thing that made my trust for her stronger is on her last video she noted that she isn't doing this for any money and is taking a risk at her reputation.
Has anybody find anything about if James VAn Pragues finally contacted Michael? I've known of him and saw him on TV a lot before he wrote his first book and I think he's one of the top medium.

I'd really wish to hear from him.

BTW, I'm still trying to catch up on the other thread about psychics but it's so long that's why I started this one.
There was a report about James doing a channeling but I think it was proven as a fake. He hasn't done any channelings as far as I know...
His books are just awesome btw!
There was a report about James doing a channeling but I think it was proven as a fake. He hasn't done any channelings as far as I know...
His books are just awesome btw!

Way back when he was doing his reading in the audience and was just looking around to see who had family member's spirits around them. I don't know about now but he might not do it he there's nobody from the family present. And like I said I don't think they'd be receptive to the idea being JW. Too bad.
Forgot to ask, has anybody tried to click on those CVL links and see my comments by LG? My friend says she doesn't see them but when I click on it, it's there. Weird.
Bonnie Vent seems genuine to me too, but I'd like to know her "qualifications". Is she good? Could she successfully contact any spirits before? Ever helped police solve a crime? for any medium to come out and say information that only the deceased would know would convince me they're genuine
Bonnie Vent seems genuine to me too, but I'd like to know her "qualifications". Is she good? Could she successfully contact any spirits before? Ever helped police solve a crime? for any medium to come out and say information that only the deceased would know would convince me they're genuine

You can learn about Bonnie at her website. :)
i feel like a ghost whisper?
i know michael likes to vist me and i don't ask
i feel i can open up to michael and just listen to him
i know james edward can also talk with dead persons
im crazy in a good way
living persons treat me like im just crazy and don't want to be friends
and dead persons want to be friends with me
the only person i know of that can talk with dead persons is james edward
believe in yourselfs and you will find your own gurding angel
i kind of went of topic
its cool talking to michael fans on here
i think most are not chanelling michael (or.... If they are theyre misinterpreting certain things) but i feel positive about bonnie, yeah...

but i basicly prever to trust on what i feel myself.
its great if there are mediums that can feel michael but in the end the only thing that really matters is what you feel yourself.
just relax and be open for it.
