help with my personal MJ project


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I'm about to embark on a large project that may take several months to complete, I plan to record dedication performances which will be me performing as MJ in "HE IS IT" basically performing Michael songs as Michael would. I just in the starting stages and would like as much as fellow MJ fan input as possible..

1) top 12 songs you would like to see an impersonator perform

2) chose from these outfits here..

For concert outfit > OR OR

For Opening Jacket > OR OR OR any other sudgestions

I would like to have this inspired by THIS IS IT, not just doing what MJ did in the movie, but draw up an inspired concert base off of it.. So I'd try to match set list somewhat simular but would like to change a few things such as take out "IJSLY" for something that did not make the movie/concert. It would be pointless to watch an impersonator perform that in my opinion.. Outfit wise, I want to pick stuff that MJ actually wore before yet I don't want it to become a set BAD, DANGEROUS, HISTORY tour outfit copy. for example I could do the history top with bad bottom or whatever.. Just trying to keep it MJ yet not when someone sees it says "Oh this is the BAD tour".. Main reason is I will be incorperating dance styles of all his solo eras. And there are some moves he did only in the 90's that he did not do in the 80's.. And vise versa...

Put in your input, I am up in the air of how long this will take, the planning, costs, rehearsing, recording, editing, getting all the audio..

I plan to also mix audio at some points, where I'll find a base song live song to fallow, but if there is a specific way I like Mj singning in another concert, I would dub that part in.. (make sence?) lol.. Also I'll be needing to relocate all the live audios now that I have a new computer and it has all my old music
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